Chapter 5

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Quote of the day: Don't waste your time on revege those who hurt you will eventually face their own karma

Megan's POV

I was still trying to find my way back home.When a van was comming towards me I shield my arms in front of me ready to prevent the water comming to me.To my surprise the car stopped I tilted my head confused as a puppy the window rolled down "Megan,come on get in you're soaking wet." a familliar voice says. I saw Calum and Michael sitting in the van,Michael driving and Calum riding shotgun."Where are we going?" I ask as I put on my seat belt(I hate car rides by the way one fact about myself)"Anywhere you like." Calum replies. I shrug, "Where to sweetheart?"he murmurs. I look out the window and decided on a spot I've never been to for a very long time. "The old abandoned forest." I whisper.

"The old abandoned forest is a legendary place.There have been rumors of wildlife randomly getting killed there by a beast.The dead bodies of the wildlife never found,skins of animals hanging on trees and branches and no traces of the beast.Nobody ever goes to the abandoned forest.Not even the nosiest of tourists" Michael says, reminding me of the 'legendary place' as he starts driving off. "Michael, Stop being such a wuss and just drive me there please" I snap. "I know you're hiding something.You better spit it out" he jokes, stopping the car and turning around to look at me. I tried to hold it in, but I couldn't. I poured out my secret.(Into a cup lol jk back to the story)where was I?oh yes, "My father and I used to go to the old abandoned forest.When he died,I would sneak out of the house and go there.Then my mother got into a car crash so me and Sapphire were dropped off at the oprphanage and when I was lonely I would sneak out,and guess where?" I said, lifting my head up to see their faces "Urm the forest?" They both replied "Yeah,One time, I got so hungry that I went into the forest, cut down a branch with a knife I stole from the orphanage, and carved out a bow and arrow. It was the only weapon I knew how to use well,and the only things I knew how to carve.I took my bow&arrow and went deeper into the forest.I crawled in an empty space under a rock and It hid me very well,from there, I shot any passing animal and used the knife to skin them.I cooked the meat using a fire I built myself and hung the skins on trees,using them as targets for shooting practise.I haven't really gone there since I left the orphanage,but I want to go now." There my secret is exposed.Michael gave me a puzzled look.I sighed.He still didn't get it, I looked at Michael "Megan,what about the beast?" He asks.I smack my forehead with my hand."I am the beast."
"....WTF" Calum and Michael yell. "Wait a minute...I get it!"Calum exclaims.He turns and looks at me."Wildlife disappearing,bodies never found, skins of animals hanging on was you.All this time,all that trouble caused,all that was you." Calum and Michael turn and stare at me,their mouths hanging open."Yes,That's me.I am the beast.I am the one causing all the trouble.Now, can we please go?" I snap at them,tapping my fingers on the handle of the car door."Sure,but uh where's the bow and arrows?" Michael asks,starting to drive off in the direction of the forest. "Hidden." I replied, staring out the window.Soon,we reached the street across the forest. I walked to a nearby building,climbed up a tree next to the window,slid the window up and hopped in. (Oh she a rebel) Michael and Calum seemed to be pulling something out of the back of the van.Once I was in the building, a boy my age gasped as he walked into the room and saw me. I was back in my old orphanage.This boy was my one and only best friend, my only friend. We used to go hunting togather.This was the window we used to sneak out to the forest. "Meg!" he gasped. I threw myself into his arms. "Shawn" I whispered.

Sorry for the cliff hanger! Hope you guys enjoyed this chapter even though It was very short I'll make it up to you homies tmr or something baii you guys are awsome BROFIST!!

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