Chapter 2

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QUOTE OF THE DAY: Walk away from anything or anyone who takes away from your joy life is too short to put up with fools

Luke's POV

I was just talking to the cutest little girl ever,when another girl, her sister I guess, ran over, and tripped. I wanted to talk to her, so I rushed over and caught her. But before I could introduce myself or even speak, her little sister came over.Whoever the girl with red hair was, I wanted her. She didn't seem to know me, so she must not be a fan...No matter what happened,I wanted her.

Megan's POV

After our little adventure,Sapphire and I headed back to our seats.The concert started soon after, I sat and watched Sapphire sang and dance and screamed her heart out. It gave me such joy to see Saph like that. Before I knew it, the concert was over Sapphire dragged me backstage, excitedly blabbering away. When we reached back stage, Sapphire and I were led to the dressing room by a security guard. Sapphire screamed and ran to a group of boys( I'm assuming they are 5sos) I recognize the tall blonde guy from before and I caught him staring at me and I sigh "Might as well introduce myself" I mumbled you see, other girls or fangirls will do anything just to be in my position but they don't understand I'm not into boys at this moment because I have to focus on one thing,Sapphire...I walked towards him "Hi i'm Megan call me Ginger if you like" he shook my hand and i could feel electricity shoot up my arm." My name's Luke." He replied.He pats the space next to him and smiled warmly "Have a seat" I obliged and sat "So tell me about yourself" Luke said, staring into my eyes as he spoke " I'm eighteen, turning nineteen soon, my parents died a few years ago in a plane crash. I have one sibling, her name is Sapphire..." I said as I looked at Saph humping a chair and dancing weirdly..what the hell is happening to my sister *FACE PALM* I didn't realize i stopped talking and staring at my sister until Luke waved a hand in my face and looked in the same direction as i was looking at. We looked at each other and burst into laughter " Did you see her humping that chair? I think Michael taught her that dance move" Luke said in between laughter.When our laughter cooled down I continued talking " As I was saying,I have a sister named Sapphire, that young lady over there who was doing weird dance moves and such..." As I go on about my life, Luke listens, smiling kindly. Once I was done, he flashed me another bright smile. Well Megan, you sound like a nice girl to me, Tell you what, meet me in the park, the one down the road, tonight." I stared at Luke as if he was mad."What?! what about Saph?!" I said Luke gave me a pat of the arm "Put her to bed,sneak out,meet me at the park and then..."he murmured in my ear. I looked at Luke "And then what?" I asked not liking where the conversation was going( ITS GOING TO WONDERLAND !! sorry i had to) Luke shrugged and bit his lip ring "Hey,why don't we exchange numbers here give me your phone" he said giving me his phone, I gave him my phone from my pocket and typed in my number on his phone

number: 98430902( it's fake)

name: Megan

I gave Luke his phone back and saw what he saved


name: Luke the sexy penguin

"Like what i wrote?" he said to me I wanted to reply,but Sapphire came to me and jumped on my back, in a piggy-back position. " I'm tired Meglemore." She whispers. I placed Sapphire down and stood up,holding her hand.I acknowledge the boys " Thanks for everything" I said. But as I walk out the door, one of the boys ran up to me "Sorry but can I have your number? or.. wait never mind I'll just give you mine. I think I'd like to get to know you"he said scribbling his number on a piece of paper "here's ,my number, if you wanna... you know meet up and talk about crap" I took the paper in his hands



"Ashton....nice to meet you" I smiled. He flashes a thumbs-up and I left the concert and started walking home, thinking of what Luke said and whether I should go to the park or not.Soon, I reached my run-down apartment, I unlocked the front door and stumbled in,with Sapphire in my arms, shutting it behind me. I clambered up the stairs leading to Sapphire's tiny bedroom and gently place her down the bed. I pulled the paper thin covers over sapphire and tucked her in. Quietly as I could, I tiptoed down the stairs and sat on the sofa. I stared at the cardboard Christmas tree and found one more tiny present. I picked it up. "For Meglemore, Love Sapphire." A tissue was wrapped around it. I unwrapped the tissue and gasped. A plastic heart shaped pendant, hanging on a white string, with a picture of Sapphire, my Mother and Father in it,lay in my hands. I quickly put it around my neck. Then, as if the pendant had given me confidence, I stood up and walked out the door, to the park to meet Luke.

Hey sup homies, guess Lukey here has a crush on Megan.Do you think they will be together? keep reading to find out :) I dedicate this chapter to @Ocean_strong

because she did an amazing job of supporting me through every thing and I also dedicate this crappy chapter to @MidnightToDawn cause I'm using her name :D sorry if it's too short for you guys hope you guys enjoyed it give me any feedback if you want me to improve or add tiny details like call you guys Meglies instead of homies but yeah....and don't forget to...






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