Chapter 6

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As I drove Harry home, I thought about what we had talked about. I really miss my dad, but hope I wasn't rude to Zayn or anything because of it. With worry eating at me, I finally asked, "Harry, I wasn't rude to Zayn was I? You don't think I gave him the idea that I didn't like him do you?"

"No, probably not," Harry answered. "As you said, he doesn't always talk a lot, and when he did speak, you answered him."

"Okay, if you're sure. I just... it was hard to look at him I guess, and now I feel bad that he might have taken it the wrong way."

"It will be fine darlin', don't worry," Harry said as he squeezed the hand he was holding.

When we got to Harry's place and rolled up into the driveway all I could say was, "Wow, big place!"

"Well four of us do live here, so it needed to be big enough to have our own space. Zayn had moved out even before getting married, but most of the time the rest of us are content living together. Would you like to come in for a little while?"

"Sure, but I can't stay too late, since I have class tomorrow."

"I think Liam said we have an early photo shoot tomorrow, so I suppose I don't need to be up to late either," Harry said getting out of the car. Then he walked around and opened my door holding out his hand to help me out.

"You were raised right, weren't you, sugar? Ever the gentleman," I said as I raised up on tiptoe to kiss his cheek. "I like it, so sweet."

"Is my being sweet the reason you like to call me 'sugar'?"

I blushed. I know I did since my face was suddenly hot. "I guess so. I don't know. I'm sorry. I won't call you that again. It just sorta slips out," I mumbled, looking anywhere but at Harry.

I felt his hand on my cheek and he tilted my face until I had to look at him.

"Annalise I don't mind you calling me sugar. I suppose, it just isn't something I hear a lot. We Brits like to say 'love' and Tammy being from the South likes to call everyone 'Hun'. Although, for reasons all her own, she has nicknamed me Brit. Sugar is just new to me, not bad, and you can call me that if you like."

I looked at him and saw only the truth in his eyes, he really didn't mind and well I liked calling him a pet name. It made me feel like he was mine, even though I know he really isn't. I don't know how he actually feels about me, but I do know one thing. I want him to kiss me so badly.


"Yes, darlin'? "

"Kiss me, " I whispered still looking into his eyes.

I saw the want flare in his eyes before his lips descended on mine. My arms went up around his neck, my hands into his hair pulling him closer to me. I had been kissed before, after all, I had a boyfriend for almost two years, but this kiss was different. It melted me, it made me want more. It made me want things I had never wanted before. Love, passion, the feel of a man's hands on my body, exploring, loving. I could lose myself in Harry but.... must breathe. We finally broke apart breathing hard.

"Wow, sugar. You sure know how to take a girl's breath away!"

Harry cleared his throat. "How about we go inside? I forgot we could be being watched and end up all over the internet by tomorrow."

I giggled. "Sure, lead the way."

Harry took ahold of my hand, and we went inside. He went straight to his room, not slowing to give me a chance to look around, and as soon as we got there, he closed the door. Turning me toward him, he kissed me again.

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