Chapter 8

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I woke up the next morning, spooning a warm, soft body. Prying my eyes open, I saw Annalise still sound asleep next to me, and I smiled. I leaned up on my elbow and gently removed her hair from her face, so I could see her better. I had just leaned down to kiss her cheek when someone tapped on my door. I looked up, just in time to see the door open.

"Do you know whose car is in our drive? Oh, sorry Harry, didn't realize you had company," Louis said and he backed up and closed the door.

Annalise moved and sighed. "Harry?"

"Yes, Darlin'."

She smiled, opening her eyes, then rolled over to bury her face in my chest and wrap her arm around me. "Mm... you even smell good first thing in the morning."

I chuckled. ''Really. That's good to know because it would be really embarrassing if I smelled bad with your nose buried in my chest."

"Yeah, guess it would." Giving said chest a kiss, she added, "As much as I want to stay and snuggle, I really need to pee." She lifted her head. "So, don't move, I'll be right back."

I nodded and pointed at the bathroom door.

Jumping up she ran towards it, went in, then closed the door. In just a few she was back, and I said, "My turn now." And then I went. Coming back, I crawled back into bed, and we lay there snuggled together dosing.

I was woken up about an hour later by a tapping on my door and Liam saying, "We're going to lunch in a little bit. You want to come, or stay here?"

I turned to Annalise. "Want to go to lunch, darlin'?"

"I'd love to, but I'm not really dressed for the occasion."

"I could take you home first and meet up with the lads wherever they plan to go."

"That's doable," Annalise agreed.

"Yes, Liam we'll go. When are you leaving?"

"In about an hour. It's only ten thirty," Liam answered.

"All right. Thanks, Liam."

Annalise crawled out of bed. "I'll go home and get ready, while you get ready, and since I have my car, you can come to get me. Will that work?"

"Sounds good. Can I have a kiss before you go?" I asked as she headed for the door. Turning she came back and gave me a quick peck. "That's all I get?"

Annalise giggled and headed for the door again. "It is till I get my teeth brushed. Bye, Sugar!"

Then she was gone.

Louis poked his head in my open door. "Was that Annalise, I just saw?"

I nodded.

"So, it was her car out front, I thought it was," Louis said as he left. Then I heard him say, "I was right mates, it was Annalise."


All too soon lunch was over and I was taking Annalise home. I really wanted to be taking her home with me instead. Maybe?


"Yeah, Sugar?" she inquired as she gazed at me from where her head lay on my shoulder.

"Would you like to go to our concert tonight?"

She sat up. " I would love to! I've never been to one of your concerts."

I pulled the car into her driveway and turned it off. I turned to her and said quietly. "Then would you come home with me afterward, and stay over again?"

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