Chapter 10

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"Mom, Papa Jack? I'm home!"

"Morning, love, we're in the kitchen. Good morning, Harry. Good to see you," Mom said as we walked in.

"Look, Mom, Papa Jack," I said showing them my left hand.

"I wondered how much longer you were going to wait, Harry, you surprised me by waiting this long," Mom teased.

"I didn't realize I was being timed. I would have asked her a month ago, but I waited to make sure she would say yes," Harry replied with a wink.

"I would have said yes, but it didn't hurt, to wait a little longer. I think we are both surer of each other now, and I know I have gotten to know Harry a lot better in the past month."

Harry nodded in agreement with what I had said, and so did Papa Jack.

"So, when do you plan to marry?"

"Soon, if I have any say in it. I'm tired of Annalise leaving me to come back here," Harry said.

I hugged him. "Ah, I don't like having to leave you either, so yeah, soon is good."

"How soon is soon? A week, two, a month?" Mom prodded us for answers.

Harry and I looked at each other and said, "Two weeks!" Then laughed at the fact that we had said the same thing, at the same time.

"Okay. At least we agree on that! Now big wedding, or small?" Mom asked.

"Small," I answered.

"Agreed," Harry said. "If it's small it will be easier to keep it private, and not turn into a media blitz."

I thought for a moment, humming. "The guys have a really large media room, that if cleared a little, would hold everyone, and an even larger kitchen and dining room. My family consisted of just Mom, Papa Jack, and my grandparents. I mean I know my cousins, but not really well enough to invite them. Harry's family would be his mom, Robin, Gemma, the guys, and Tammy. So, that's only twelve people. I think we could make it work. What do you think Harry?" I turned to look at him.

"Yes, that could work. It would be small, and not noticed like it would be if we rented a place. The lads all like b-b-q, so maybe an informal reception that spills into the backyard?"

"Wonderful! I have a friend at work that makes cakes, I can talk to her. Annalise, why don't you talk to Tammy, and get her to help you decide on colors, and decoration? What about a dress? Do you want to go all out, or do you want something simpler?"

"Wow, Mom, way to put me on the spot. He just asked me last night, so I haven't had time to think about all of these things!"

"I know, love, but you said two weeks, and since we both work, two weeks will be gone before you know it."

"Okay, okay. Um, well I don't really want a fancy, frilly dress, I like simple. I saw a dress in a magazine a few days ago, that if it was white, it would be perfect. It had a halter-style neck, and tight under the bust. Seems like it flared just a little and fell to just above the knee.

"Sounds pretty Annalise, do you think you could find where you saw it?"

"Oh, I remember. I walked into the living room and came back with one of my mom's magazines. flipping through it, I found the picture," I said as I lay it on the table. "Here it is, isn't it lovely?"

"Yes, that is very pretty. Now, what you do is take this to the bridal shop, and they will find it for you, or something similar to it."

"I can do that. Now, I guess we need to go see Tammy and Zayn. We haven't told them yet."

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