Part 6

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Tsireya: @Kiri te Suli Kìreysì'ite Lo'ak is bothering me so do you wanna go herb hunting?

Kiri te Su...: uh duh what kind of question is that

Neteyam: No, Rotxo. Before you even ask, I'm watching Tuk.

Rotxo: damn how'd you know i was gonna ask?

Neteyam: Cause your lonely ass always does whenever Kiri is busy.

Rotxo: well i don't even wanna hangout with you, all you do is flirt with ao'nung

Neteyam: No, I swear half the time he's just sitting there while encouraging Tuk to insult people with him.

Tsireya: Insults are his love language.

Ao'nung: stop talking about me like im not right here

Tsireya: Well, you haven't denied it.

Ao'nung: no im actively denying it

Kiri te Su...: girl, tsireya, when you asked to go herb hunting, i thought you meant you and me ALONE

Tsireya: Oh, sorry I didn't elaborate. "He's bothering me," meant, "He won't leave me alone."

Kiri te Su...: i can see that. i hope he knows he's gonna be the third wheeler though, not me.

Rotxo: i can come along to keep you company, kiri

Kiri te Su...: you can totally tag along to keep lo'ak company! im hanging out with tsireya

Ao'nung: damn bro got rejected again that's embarrassing

Rotxo: okay when did we stop bullying lo'ak and start bullying me?

Ao'nung: ever since he whooped your ass over text

Rotxo: and you didn't even defend me? it be your own people fr

Ao'nung: im sorry but that was just so embarrassing for you especially since it came from lo'ak

Kiri te Su...: okay ao'nung, leave rotxo alone before we fight.

Ao'nung: yes maam.

Neteyam: @Lo'ak You should leave Kiri and Tsireya alone before you start looking like a creep, fool.

Lo'ak: im trying to hangout with tsireya how about you tell kiri to leave?

Kiri te Su...: absolutely not, i barely hangout with tsireya because you or neteyam are always with her. we need some girl time.

Tsireya: Sorry, Lo'ak, but I agree with Kiri.

Lo'ak: if thats how it is then damn

Neteyam: Can I drop Tuk off with you both? I think she would like that.

Tsireya: Of course!

Kiri te Su...: why? so you can be alone with ao'nung?

Neteyam: Very funny, but no. I'm going riding with mother because she asked me to, thank you.


Jake Sully: can one of you kids tell me what "idk" means? everyone i ask says they don't know

Kiri te Su...: oh dear eywa.

Neteyam: Low-key don't want to be in this family anymore.

Lo'ak: now i wish i got the mom genes

Jake Sully: why are you kids being dramatic like that? just tell me what it means

Neteyam: Dad, it means "I don't know."

Jake Sully: oh! lol

Neteyam: ...More proof Lo'ak is just like dad.

Lo'ak: cmon bro im not that dumb

Kiri te Su...: lo'ak, you asked me what "our" meant one day.

Lo'ak: and? it was a genuine question okay

Neteyam: Dumbass.


Neteyam: Sometimes, I be minding my own business and then out of nowhere, Ao'nung jump scares me with his deep ass old man voice.


Lo'ak: no i swear ao'nung makes rotxo sound like a damn riti

Tsireya: One time, he started talking from behind me and he sounded so much like my father that I almost had a heart attack.

Ao'nung: my voice isnt even that deep what are yall overreacting for

Neteyam: No, compared to Lo'ak and Rotxo, you be sounding like a whole ass adult sometimes.

Rotxo: thats a little offensive

Lo'ak: okay you didn't have to drag me into this

Kiri te Su...: neteyam is right though, i didn't even realize it until now.

Neteyam: And it's not like it's all the time, your voice just be having its own moments.

Tsireya: Then, can we talk about how Neteyam's hair be having a mind of it's own?

Ao'nung: no fr

Kiri te Su...: one more head turn and im sure all that shit would be up and walking on its own

Neteyam: LMAO

Tsireya: At least, if it wasn't for the hair I don't think anyone would be able to tell the difference between you and Lo'ak at first.

Neteyam: Ew, please don't say that ever again.

Lo'ak: ew don't compare me to him he's so ugly

Neteyam: You're the ugliest one out of the both of us.

Tsireya: Neteyam is attractive in the pretty way and Lo'ak is attractive in the... hot way.

Rotxo: i'll admit it, neteyam is pretty

Kiri te Su...: i knew something was up with you.

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