Part 10

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Lo'ak: where is neteyam?

Kiri: with the tsahìk

Lo'ak: at this hour? why?

Kiri: how the fuck would i know?

Lo'ak: damn who the fuck pissed in your fish dinner?

Rotxo: shes unhappy and it's late, don't mess with her.

Lo'ak: ive been messing with her since i was born

Ao'nung: we know.

Lo'ak: are you trying to fight with me right now?

Ao'nung: i dont know am i?

Lo'ak: yeah you are

Neteyam: What's with the grumpy atmosphere tonight?

Kiri: i don't know maybe it has to do with the fact its 4 in the fucking morning, we get up in 2 hours, and lo'ak thinks its funny to text the groupchat

Lo'ak: i was just wondering where neteyam was at damn

Ao'nung: yeah actually why are you with the tsahìk at 4am neteyam??

Neteyam: No clue, she randomly asked me to follow her hours ago and I've been with her ever since.

Ao'nung: well shit i guess we wont be seeing you all day

Neteyam: Lol, what do you mean????

Tsireya: Once the Tsahìk has you running errands for her, she won't let you go until hours after.

Ao'nung: yeah... i can confirm from experience

Kiri: same here

Neteyam: Well, I'm kind of enjoying this herb shit.

Rotxo: say that in 9 hours

Neteyam: NINE??

Lo'ak: actually where the fuck are you kiri?

Kiri: im with rotxo

Lo'ak: at this hour? where?

Kiri: why do you care?

Lo'ak: i don't im just curious

Kiri: im at his marui

Lo'ak: that allowed?

Rotxo: my mom left to attend the hunt so she wont be back until morning

Neteyam: Damn Rotxo, I didn't think you moved that fast.

Kiri: shut up its not like that

Neteyam: Uh huh.

Rotxo: seriously, she was tired and my marui was close. my mother doesn't care either

Neteyam: Well Kiri, did you at least let mom know?

Kiri: duh

Tsireya: Okay, we should all get some sleep before morning hits.

Kiri: you do not have to tell me twice

Lo'ak: youre so lucky you can sleep with your boyfriend.

Rotxo: oh we aren't dating

Kiri: im going to sleep.

Ao'nung: lol are you jealous lo'ak?

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