Part 11

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Private messages between users Ao'nung and Neteyam

Ao'nung: 'teyam?

Neteyam: No, but you are about to be.

Ao'nung: no please im sorry

Neteyam: No you're not.

Ao'nung: youre right im not

Neteyam: BLOCKED.

Ao'nung: STOP

Neteyam: What you did today was cruel.

Ao'nung: stop being dramatic

Neteyam: Just for that, I won't talk to you for a week.

Ao'nung: liar you won't last 5 hours

Neteyam: Damn, you right.
Neteyam: At least apologize.

Ao'nung: im sorry i became friends with your idiotic, stupid, ugly, brainless, freaky, bonehead of a brother in order to hear the most funniest humiliating thing about you ever.

Neteyam: What the fuck?
Neteyam: I hate you so much.

Private messages between users Jake Sully and Lo'ak

Jake Sully: your mother is mad, go make your bed like she's already told you!

Lo'ak: why should i make my bed when im going to sleep in it anyways?

Jake Sully: why should i feed you when you're going to die anyways?

Lo'ak: okay damn dad wtf

Jake Sully: lo'ak, now!!

Lo'ak: yes yes im coming

Jake Sully: eugh.. i sound like your mother

Lo'ak: you do

Jake Sully: ...yeah i'll try better sorry about that, got out of character.

Lo'ak: BYEY F

Jake Sully: anyways son how is your day so far?

Lo'ak: dad are you okay?

Jake Sully: yes (no)
Jake Sully: im fine. (it's your mother, please help)

Lo'ak: i cant stop her you should tell neteyam

Jake Sully: oh, good idea

Lo'ak: sometimes i cant believe im related to you.

Private messages between users Jake Sully and Neteyam

Jake Sully: S.O.S.

Neteyam: Again? Where are you?

Jake Sully: the marui

Neteyam: I'm on my way, hold on.

Jake Sully: you are an absolute lifesaver son

Neteyam: What'd you do anyways?

Jake Sully: firstly, dont laugh.

Neteyam: Got it.

Jake Sully: i talked back...

Neteyam: TO MOM?? LMFAO

Jake Sully: stop laughing and come save me!

Neteyam: Yes, sir.
Neteyam: What possessed you to talk back...?

Jake Sully: neteyam, you are taking way too long for my comfort.

Neteyam: Yes, yes. I said hold on.

Jake Sully: i can only hold on for so long.

Private messages between users Ao'nung and Rotxo

Rotxo: kiri sneezes like a damn elder.

Ao'nung: LMFAO WHAT??

Rotxo: im so serious man like she sneezed and i swore the whole ground shook

Ao'nung: damn rotxo youre secretly mean as hell wtf

Rotxo: no no no it's actually kind of cute

Ao'nung: dude what if i told kiri you said all this

Rotxo: she really wouldn't believe you

Ao'nung: youre an evil fucking man rotxo

Rotxo: no im not dont confuse me with you

Ao'nung: "the whole ground shook"

Rotxo: I SWEAR BRO, i thought the tulkun were back from migration already

Ao'nung: i thought you loved kiri

Rotxo: i do love her but i do not love that sneeze.

Ao'nung: this is why we're friends.

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