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My mind was foggy as i slowly opened my eyes. The darkness surrounding me, dissapeared. But i was not somewhere i knew. There were no windows anywhere. Then i remembered what happened last night. A female voice sounded behind me. Lila. Quickly i turned around, standing up from the floor. "Where am i?!" I screamed in panick. Then i realized that i wasn't ready to stand up that quickly. Dizzyness overtook me as i fell back to the ground, holding my head. "Just calm down!" Lila said, kneeling down to me. Without thinking i rose my hand to slap her, but she snatched my hand. Her nails pierced in my wounded hand, making me scream in pain. 

I gave up fighting against her as she let go of my hand. "Why are you doing this." i whispered, holding back my tears. "You will find out soon.." Lila answered. she rose from the ground and started to walk away. I made the last eye contact with her as tears welled up in my eyes and then, she left. Leaving me alone on the cold floor. Processing about what happened, tears spilled from my eyes as i cried. I couldn't think of anything that would help me. 

~Nobodies Pov~

A phone rang in Alya's room. Alya looked over to see who it was. It was anoninous. Hesitant, she answered the call. "Hello?" Alya said. "Hi, this is Marinette's mom. I just wanted to ask if Marinette is with you. She is not answering her phone." Sabine said. Alya's eyes widened. "Uhm.. She is not here ma'am." Alya replied. There was some silence on the phone. "I could ask Adrien if she is there." Alya said, hoping to relief Sabine. "O-ok, could you please tell me if you have some news?" Alya could her the pain in Sabine's voice. Alya was also struggeling to not cry. 

~Adrien's Pov~

I was just scrolling on my phone when Alya suddenly called. "Hello?" i answered. "H-hey, is Marinette with you? She didn't come home last night.." Alya's voice sounded broken and almost sounded like she whispered. My eyes widened. "N-no she is not with me.." i answered. My voice broke for a second as the guilt overtook me. Without thinking, i hang up and transformed into Cat Noir. 

Histeric, i screamed Marinette's name as i jumped over the rooftops of Paris. Tears formed in my eyes as the minutes passed by without any sign of her. Minutes turned into hours and hours turned into a whole day. Exhausted from all the screaming and jumping around in collapsed on a rooftop. I thought of the night before when we all said goodbye to eachother. Rain starts pouring on me and the sun is already gone. No idea of where i was, i spotted a familair building. It was Marinette's house. My eyes spotted some people standing outside of the bakery. Marinette's parents and a cop who is asking questions. Her mother kept crying as her father answered the cops questions. 

I couldn't help but to cry to. Tears spilled from my eyes as i looked at the building. Every light was on exept the one that was in Marinette's room. I had cover my mouth to keep myself from making any noise. Silently, i watched the cop leaving the couple behind as the tears flowed over my masked face. Letting her walk back home all alone when it is late at night was the biggest mistake ever. The guilt was to much to bear. That was when i realized that i never knew how much i cared for her untill i lost her.

~Marinette's Pov~  ~The next day~

I woke up from a terrible night. There were tears stained on my face from all the crying. Last night i realized that my bag is not here with me. The bag where Tikki always hid in. So there was nothing that i could do anymore. The realisation of when i was hopeless thorn me apart. I cried the whole time untill i fell asleep. 

I looked around, hoping to just wake up again in my own room. But all that i could see was a room with nothing at all. No room, no furniture and no company. From all the crying last night, i had no tears left. There was no point in crying. I was hopeless. Trapped in the middle of nowhere, not knowing what is about to happen to me. 

For a hour i just laid on the cold floor, thinking about everything that has happend. Then suddenly there was a voice behind me. Lila. "Get up." she said. I didn't move a flinch. I was way to tired to move. "I said, GET UP!" she repeated as she kicked me in the back. I groaned in pain and exhaustion. "What do you want, Lila?" i said as i clumsy got on my feet. There was no answer from her. Suddenly someone else came from the distance. There was no way... Gabriel Agreste?!

My jaw dropped. What does he want? Why is he here? Shocked, i backed away from Lila and Gabriel untill i hit the wall. "M-Mr Agreste?" i stuttered in fear. "Dark wing rise." he said, transforming into Hawkmoth. I couldn't believe my eyes. Gabriel is Hawkmoth! My theories were right after all! My fear turned into anger. "You're Hawkmoth! What would your son say?" i shouted. "My son is none of your busnisess." he answered. "My life is none of your busnisess." i said under my breath. 

Suddenly Hawkmoth threw something at me. Instinctively i caught the thing. It was a Miraculous. And it was not just a Miraculous, it was the Peacock Miraculous! So all this time Hawkmoth was the one who had it?! "You will replace Mayura by using the Peacock Miraculous." Hawkmoth said. Who does he think he is?! Does he really think that i would just help him? "I would never help you!" i shouted. 

Hawkmoth sighed. "If you refuse, i will not hesitate to hurt your loved ones." he said. My eyes widened. I remained silent. There was no way to refuse. I cannot let this happen. "I count silence as a yes." Hawkmoth said as he walked away.

~Nobodies Pov~

As Hawkmoth and Marinette were talking, someone was watching them from a distance. It was Nathalie, the former holder of the Peacock Miraculous. She couldn't believe what Hawkmoth was doing to Marinette. She was way to young for all of this. Nathalie couldn't let Hawkmoth get away with this. She has to do something.

Meanwhile Tikki had already fled from Marinette's bag. The night when she got taken away, Tikki couldn't do anything about it. Or else she would jeopardize her secret identity. So she had no choice than secretly take the earrings and take them to master Fu.

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