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~Adrien's Pov~

I found myself in a unknown room. It was dark and cold. Everything seems to be blurry around me. Mysterious voices sounded around me. But i couldn't hear any words out of it. I turned around to see what or who it was. But no one was there exept for the darkness. Suddenly, it was quiet. I could hear a pin drop with this silence. Someone was laying on the ground. Someone who looked quiet familiar. I got a closer look to the body that laid on the ground. My face turned pale. It was Marinette! My heart pounded in my chest as i frantically searched for her pulse. But i was already too late. She was dead.

I woke up sweating in my messy bed. With panic, my eyes darted around the room where i was in. That was when i realized that it was a dream. Tears flowed down my cheeks as sobs escaped my lips. This wasn't the first time when i got nightmares about this. But everytime they scare me over and over again. I am afraid that these dream eventually become real. 

I closed my eyes, hoping to fall asleep again. But i didn't. The rest of the night i was tossing and turning in my bed. Eventually, the sun started to come up. My eyes fixated on my kwami, Plagg, that was peacefully sleeping. 

Two days later, i decided to take a walk around Paris. I enjoyed the beautiful sight of the trees covered in snow. The cold wasn't bothering me. But Plagg kept shaking of the cold in my jacket. But what i didn't realize was that it was the day before Christmas. When i reached the center of Paris, everyone was busy with getting ready for Christmas. My whole mood was let down by the Christmas lights and decoration. Without thinking, i took the way around the center to avoid the aweful feeling of Christmas.

~Nobodies Pov~

Adrien came home late. The sun was already down. Nathalie was relieved that he finally returned. But she couldn't help but notice that Adrien looks kinda down when he entered the house. "Where have you been?" Nathalie asked. Adrien avoided eyecontact with Nathalie. Nathalie's face changed by seeing how tired and down Adrien is. "Are you okay?" she asked as she kneeled down to his level. Adrien quickly walked away as tears formed into his eyes. He hoped that Nathalie didn't saw his weakness, but she already did.

The next day was even worse for Adrien. He didn't even bother to leave his bed. But he didn't care. It is not like anyone to be celebrating Christmas in this house. Nathalie decided to check up on Adrien. She was worried that something is going on with him. 

"Adrien? Why aren't you spending your Christmas with your friends or your father?" Nathalie said as she sat down on the bed where Adrien was laying in, facing the other side. "Why would i?" Adrien replied. Nathalie sighed. "You know, you can always talk to me or your father if anything is bothering you." she said. Adrien did not answer. Tears had formed into his eyes by Nathalie's support. 

Adrien took a deep breath. "You know Marinette right?" he started. Nathalie's eyes widened but answered with a yes. "Well, she recently had gone missing..." Adrien's words were hardly audible, but Nathalie understood every single word. Her heart was in pieces by seeing the boys misery. Adrien was hiding his teary eyes from his assistant. 

~Marinette's Pov~

"Marinette! Wake up!" Duusuu screamed in my ears. My eyes blinked open by her high voice. I quickly got up, thinking that something happened. "Duusuu?! What are you-" Duusuu cut me off in the middle if my sentence. "It is Christmas!!!" She shrieked excited. I sighed. "Is that supposed to be a good thing?" i asked as i let my guard down. Duusuu's eyes stopped with shimmering by seeing my face. "Why aren't you excited?" Duusuu said. My eyes avoided her eyes. "I am stuck here, Duusuu! And i don't think i will ever get out of here again." i complained. 

Before Duusuu could say anything, i suddenly coughed into my hands. "The Miraculous... It is harming your healt." Duusuu said with eyes full of pity. I leaned my back against the wall as i hold my head. Everything around me was spinning as Duusuu kept asking me if i'm feeling well. Her words echoed in my head untill i finally got a grip of myself again. "I'm fine.." i quickly assured Duusuu as everything began to clear up.

The rest of the day, i kept having these weird dizzyness. In the evening Nathalie showed up. But she didn't had a lot of time. So she had to leave quickly. After some time, i fell asleep on the cold floor. 

The next day was pretty much the same. Nothing new had happened exept for the fact that i keep having the urge to cough a lot. Duusuu was extremely worried about my healt. Everytime i acted out of the ordinairy, Duusuu kept asking loads of questions to make sure if i am okay. But in the middle of the day, i suddenly blacked out. 

~Adrien's Pov~

Christmas is almost over. After this day, the horrible feeling will be gone. Just one more day.. Untill the evening i just stayed in bed. To escape the things that happen around me. But i couldn't help but notice that my father didn't even bothered to check up on me for the whole day. But for Nathalie, she brought all sorts of Christmas cards that my friends had sent me. 

I was suprised that they still cared about me. After i kept neglecting them, they still send me a card? I take a look at the stack of card that were laying on my drawer besides my bed. I secretly hoped for a card from Marinette to be there. But as expected, there was nothing of her. I wasn't suprised. But it still broke my heart.

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