Chapter 5 - Deathbeds

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"Juuzou was injured."

"How bad?"

"We don't know."

Y/n bites her lower lip. She blows another attack on the Black dog, the black dobell's leader. Willow access from the other side, gashing the ghoul's side.

"You just won't fucking die," Willow spits out.

Y/n connected her wire to the HQ.

"Let me join the battle on the roof. I'll evacuate Suzuya and give them a hand".

"There is no need. The medics are there. Shinohara and Iwao are finishing the owl. Your mission is annihilating the Black dog before anything else, Handler 22."


She bounced on the ghoul.

"Neco, Willow! Finish her!"

Within seconds the target was executed.

"See you in hell" The ghoul whispered before Y/n dug her quinque deep into her face.

"Pathetic" Y/n whispered, panting.

"That was a long ass fight," Willow complained, "I didn't think she had such a large group."

"Are you okay Major? You look troubled" Neco asked her leader.

"Yes," Y/n drew in a sharp breath. She looked up, watching some snowflakes falling from the sky. "Suzuya was injured. I want to go and help them, but Washuu won't let me" Her tone was apprehensive and quiet.

Something felt off.

And then, they heard a loud bluster.

"The identity of the mysterious figure is unknown yet..." Washuu spoke into the wire, but Y/n was already on her way there. She can't waste time.

They reached the rooftop, and there it was - a horrifying creature eating Shinohara's organs in front of Suzuya.

"Slow it down! I will call for backup!" Y/n yelled to the two girls.

"Please send Arima as quickly as possible!" Y/n begged Washuu while running up to Juuzou.

"Juuzou," She whispered, lowering herself and putting a hand behind his head. He looked... so beat up. Tears flowed down his face, but he couldn't say a word.

"It's okay" She placed a hand on his chest. She examines his leg, takes an antiseptic, and disinfects that area.

"This may hurt" She whispers, but Juuzou doesn't flinch.

"S-Shinohara-a..." He tries to raise his hand but fails and falls onto Y/n.

She put an arm around him and supported him while getting up.

"I'll get him," She promised when moving Juuzou next to the wall, far from the battle.

"Major, we need a hand!" Neco yelled when the one-eyed ghoul smashed her quinque.

Y/n stormed into the monster, the adrenalin rising in her veins.

The fight...was over. The loss was more extensive than expected.

Juuzou was lying on the stretcher, unconscious. Snowflakes rested on him.

Y/n watched as Shinohara was taken away, or what was left of him.

She clenched her jaw tightly. Wrath burned in her. If only she were there to protect him...

"It's your fault," She murmured to Juuzou.

Maybe she didn't mean it. Perhaps it wasn't reasonable to say that or think like that.

It wasn't fair to anyone.

That night changed everything in the CCG.


Project 22 was the only team that didn't lose a single team-mate, alongside squad 0.

Somehow, Juuzou and Y/n didn't run into each other after that night.

Juuzou was sent to the 13th ward, and Y/n stayed in the 20th ward. There were nights she wondered how he was doing. Maybe he learned the pain of losing. He may have become more robust. Perhaps he didn't change and still doesn't care for others.

One day, someone sent Y/n to the 11th ward. They wanted her to attend an investigation connected to the rabbit she was hunting.

When walking into the Branch office, she suddenly heard Juuzou's voice.

"Hanbee~ Come on."

She turns around and freezes.

A part of her was yearning to meet with him for years. She didn't fully understand it, but she didn't think about it as much, either.

After all, it was fun to work with him, even if she didn't admit it. Juuzou was... refreshing. He was challenging, but he was real. Honest.

When their eyes met, she stopped breathing for a moment.

He changed.

"Major?" He waved his hand.

It was the first time she smiled at him. It was a sincere smile, full of emotion.

"Juzo" She wanted to hug him, but she stopped herself.

"What are you doing here?" He questioned, tilting his head.

"I have a meeting here... with Akira. How are you?" Her voice was soft and appealing in a way.

"I'm a first-class now" He sticks his tongue out.

"That's great."

"Where is your team?"

"I came here alone. I'm here only for a meeting, and I'm going back to the 20th ward."

"I see."

The two hear a huff from behind and turn to see Hanbee, Juuzou's new partner.

"Oh, yeah. This is Hanbee~ He is my partner. I have my team now!"

"I'm honored to meet you, Handler 22" - "You know me?"

"Of course. Everyone heard your stories. We all have great admiration for Project 22" The tall man bowed.

"Thank you."

Juuzou then excused himself, saying that Hanbee and himself were in a hurry.

When he was about to leave the building, Y/n called out his name.

He turned around, surprised.

"Can we... hang out later?" 

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