Chapter 29 - Everything is never enough

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Not long after you left, Haise Sasaki, the only ghoul known to work in the CCG, betrayed them forcefully, freeing a good amount of innocent ghouls and citizens and making the new laws even more oppressive against the society.

There were a lot of things going on - the riots in the city were going out of control, the clowns started to form attacks on several wards, and the CCG was restricting individual freedoms and liberties without any reasonable cause or justification.

Juuzou wasn't really attached to reality. After you left, he slowly started to fade away from all the nonsense that was going on around him. He didn't care who he was fighting for anymore, making him even more ruthless and cruel to others.

You were gone, and he didn't think you would take it this far.

Months passed, and you didn't show up even once. Juuzou started to build his hostility against you just because it was easier that way for him to deal with your selfish acts.

One morning, Akuji came to his office.

She placed herself on his table, looking at him with a hint of mischief in her eyes.

"Good morning, investigator Suzuya" She smiled. He stares at her with a blankly stare.

"What do you need?" Juuzou asks coldly.

"I came here to talk a little about Y/n."

Your name wakes the dead in him and catches him off guard.

"Is she dead yet?" Juuzou sends an eerie smile, confusing Akuji.

"I'm afraid she'll be soon..." Akuji stated, drawing circles on the wooden desk.

"We found out she joined the Goat, led by Haise Sasaki."

Juuzou kept his emotions detached as if you were nothing to him any longer, but learning that Haise was now seeing you more than he did, made something move inside of him.

"What do you need?" He repeats.

"I was working with Matsuri this morning, and I found out that Y/n san was now SSS rated. She has comprehensive classified information about the CCG, and there is a possibility they are planning attacks with her aid."

Juuzou remained seated in his chair, not a finger flinched.

"Right now, she is the biggest threat to the CCG, and I need you to take this threat down." Akuji's icy eyes examine Juuzou's face, but she can't read him.

"Sounds like a pain in the ass to me," Juuzou remarks, putting his hands behind his head.

Akuji lets out a sigh. Juuzou knew that type of sigh already.

"Look, I'm doing this for you. If you don't do it, someone else will do it. If you don't care, I can send another group if you feel it's too much. We have to stay focused on work at times like this..."

But Juuzou knew she was bluffing. He knew no one could eradicate you except him.

However, it doesn't change the fact that there is an order to kill you.

He looked up at the ceiling; countless thoughts crossed his mind. Your bones, your flesh, your blood. Your eyes and smile.

Haise probably enjoys you.

It feels like nothing will light up this hole you created.


Your Point Of View



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