Chapter 17 - Crept into your heart

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The Suzuya squad filled the briefing room one by one, taking their seats around the large table in the center of the room. The room was dimly lit, with a projector screen at the front displaying a map of the mission area. The room was filled with the sound of shuffling papers.

Juuzou walked in.

He looked around the room, his eyes scanning each one. He sends a smile with his childlike demeanor, taking a sit in the head chair. His blue pillow waited for him, and his candy was already unwrapped.

"Let's begin ~."

Hanbee stood up, clearing his throat and beginning the debriefing.

"After collecting all the data and reports from the last operation, we proceed further into the black market issue. One of the biggest conclusions was that the clowns are clearly deeply involved."

Juuzou raised his eyes to peek at Y/n, who was calmly looking through the sheets. He thought she looked very pretty today.

"They work either as individuals or in conjunction with other members. We don't know how much information they have on us, so we must stay alert. Most of the people we rescued were from the 3rd and 7th wards, so our next mission will be to explore those wards deeper."

Y/n glanced at Juuzou. He was sitting with one foot on the chair, and as much as he had this childlike appearance, he was very alluring when he was serious with a sharp gaze and a furrowed brow. She remembered the kiss and lowered her head, feeling overwhelmed.

"Donato Porpora - our captive, doesn't really cooperate with us. However, he is willing to help Sasaki san with his case. As for now, it is forbidden to contact Porpora until another is ordered."

Juuzou remained calm and focused.

He started by outlining the mission's objectives and then described how each team had performed. He praised the successes but acknowledged the mistakes made, calling out each one in turn and dissecting what had gone wrong.

When reaching Y/n, he could sense she was nervous.

"Looks like working with Nakari was a good idea. You two team up well." He was chewing his candy, glancing at Y/n now and then, "However, I do want you to notice how much personal storage you put into the mission. It may greatly affect others as well."

She nodded, not answering.

"Other than that, I want to apologize. Perhaps if we discussed this possibility before the operation, it wouldn't hurt as much..." his facial expression becomes serious and determined.

Not only Y/n but everyone else was surprised as well. Juuzou was apologizing for not being sympathetic enough? It was new.

Hanbee looked pleased.

"Oh, Yea! I almost forgot! Next week we are going on a vacation with the Qunix squad at the beach! Make sure you bring swimsuits~~" Juuzou was excited.

"A vacation?" Mikage asked.

"Hhmm," Juuzou's grin grew bigger, "For three days! We need to pack a lot of candy, Hanbee!~."

Hanbee took that note.

When Y/n was about to leave the room with the other guys, she felt a hand touching the nape of her neck, and a shiver went down her spine.

"J-Juzo!" She whined, making Juuzou chuckle.

"Good morning, investigator Y/n~" He smiled at her, "are you excited about the vacation? It's going to be so fun!".

"Honestly, I think about skipping it. I don't think I will handle being so far from home for so long..." She lowered her tone.

"Too bad you can't~" his voice was cheerful, "It counts like going on a mission or a meeting. We even need to report after we come back! Skkiping may result in delayed promoting."

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