Chapter 6 - Donato Porpora

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The following day Y/n couldn't concentrate when working with her team. Her mind wandered around, thinking about how strangely life works.

Just a year and a half ago, he was being chased and scolded for his recklessness, and now he is a squad leader.

She wondered how he incorporated his loss.

"Hellllooooo," Neco pinched Y/n nose. "Are you even listening?"

Y/n blinked and nodded.

"I'm sorry," She stated, "I'm listening."

"What is up with you? You are acting strange. Something happened?" Willow asked, crossing her legs.

"No," Y/n crossed her arms over her chest, "Continue."

"Okay~" Neco smiled.

"So next week's mission includes the one and only - Donato Porpora! He is a former prisoner of ours who was getting special treatment. He is a part of the clowns, and their purpose is still unclear. They used to be very active in the 3rd ward, but after an operation that happened years ago - they vanished. Lately, some attacks with the same characteristics as years ago have been in the 13th ward."

Juuzou's ward.

"And after a very, very good investment - we know when and where is Donato's next attack! Thanks to Willow - for analyzing everything" Neco patted Willows's head.

"Fuck off" Willow laughed.

Y/n smiled softly before looking at the papers.

"SS-rated, huh?" She murmured, "You sure we don't need a backup?"

"He is going to be alone, for sure" Willow rubbed her temples, "I know we can handle it."

"Okay, I trust you," Y/n answers and gets up, "I'm going to shower now. Excellent job, girls. I'm very proud of the work you have done."

The girls smiled at her.

"She never said this," Neco whispered to Willow when Y/n walked out of the room, "I'm so happy we made Major pleased!".

"Me too, Neco chan. Let's do our best."


"Project 22," Y/n called loudly, "Prepare to eliminate SS-rated Donato Porpora."

The old man smiled at the girls.

"You look so yummy..." The ghoul smiled widely.

They planned that fight for weeks. Project 22 spent days studying and learning about this twisted ghoul. His speed, strength, mind-playing tactics - nothing was a surprise.

Nothing...but his ability of cloning, which he learned recently and never showed to any investigator.

"Look closely! You can see when it's not the real him!" Y/n yelled, but somehow, even when it wasn't the real him, his kagune attacked hard.

"You make me so excited," The ghoul chuckled, "Your expression is everything, Handler 22".

"Willow, watch out!" Neco screamed when his Kagune pierced Willow's body. Y/n bounced on the monster, trying to rip off as much kagune as she could, only to be thrown far away.

"" Y/n tried to say but she didn't have enough air in her lungs.

"And now, for the main show!" Donato sliced Neco's legs, making her cry out.

"AAHHH, IT HURTS!!!" She screamed out loud, trying to run away with her hands.

"Stop" Y/n pleased, trying to stand up. He blocked her with his Kagune, wrapping himself around her neck and torso.

"No no no, now you watch and feel what I felt" He calls with blissful eyes.

"No! I don't want to die!" Willow yelled. 

Darkness surrounded them. The only thing Y/n could hear were the screams. He tortured them, ripping them little by little. It was the most painful thing to watch.

Y/n was losing her mind, unable to do anything. At some point, she just wanted them to die and to stop screaming. She couldn't bare with it any longer.

And after a few minutes, there was a dead silence. Y/n thought it would ease her, but it only made everything worse.

His kagune started slowly squeezing her trachea.

"I remember you so well, Handler 22. I wanted to eat you for so long. I can't believe I get to taste you with those eyes! They are the best part! so much misery!" He smiled.

"Why did you work there anyway? You only complained. Your whole life you only complained. You were a burden; even your parents didn't want you."

He's lying.

"If you want to... you will they treated you... how they hit you... how you were...nothing."

Tears started to flow down her face; everything was dizzy around her. She couldn't move her legs, and she tried to free herself with her hands from his grip. She was up in the air, the night sky around her.

"You are gorgeous but not very useful. After the CCG saved you, you still were an ungrateful child, weren't you?"

Unwanted pictures started to come to her dizzy vision.

Father...Mother... why?

Everything was gone. Everything she had, and everything she thought she had. Nothing felt right. Her existence didn't feel right.

So she let go.

The flesh around her neck is burning.

It doesn't matter anymore.

And right before her life was taken away, Suzuya's squad attacked the ghoul. Juuzou sliced his kagune, making it disappear and releasing Y/N's neck. She falls down, but Juuzou catches her.

Why? Let me die, please. Please. 

But she couldn't open her eyes, or speak her voice.

It was almost too much.

The flesh around her neck keeps burning.

She falls into a sweet and burning nightmare.

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