Chapter 15 - Who is in control?

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"It looks like she suffers from a post-trauma in the shape of mental health condition." The doctor explained.

Juuzou tilts his head to the side.

"She has difficulty distinguishing between reality and her imagination. Post-trauma can come in different shapes and shades. She may have hallucinations and delusions. It can be a very isolating and distressing experience for the person affected."

Juuzou had a look of frustration mixed with curiosity on his face as if he was determined to figure things out but just couldn't quite get there.

"It's like living in a different reality from everyone else." The doctor tried to simplify it.

"Is there a treatment for this... thing?" He asked.

"Be patient and understanding," The doctor answered, and Juuzou rolled his eyes.

"Dealing with Donato again may heal or worsen her state. It's up to you to take the risk."

Juuzou let out an exasperated sigh as if the world was conspiring to make his life difficult.

Walking into his office, it was clear that he was not in a good mood.

"Why are humans so annoyingly fragile?" Juuzou fidgeted with the straps on his knives, his fingers drumming impatiently on the handles.

Hanbee offered a candy, which Juuzou excepted.

"Humans are complex," Hanbee spoke softly, "But it makes them interesting and unique. When you first started to work with her, she was challenging. You always find amusement in challenge, Senpai".

Hanbee was right.

In some ways, Juuzou's annoyance was a source of strength, a motivator that pushed him to work harder and faster.


It was easy to blame Juuzou for this. To blame Donato or Willow and Neco. It was easier to blame the CGG or her parents. Y/n needed to figure out who to believe and trust.

It felt as if her demons and the real world mixed up together.

She was sitting in her room, trying to focus on the sheets before her.

A noise caught her attention, and she dodged it as if someone had attacked her.

"Hey," The figure said.

It's a new voice.

He's a ghoul! Attack him!

He may have been invited. Did we invite someone over?

No, wait. Who is that?

She blinked again, and then she recognized.

"Juzo," Her voice was barely heard.

He reached out for her arm, but she stepped back. The memories flood back, jumbled and confusing.

No no no. We can't trust him.

He is mean. VERY mean. Do you remember him?

You work with him. He may need help with work.

Y/n starts to sweat, and her breathing quickens. She is unsure if the person in front of her is real or a hallucination.

Juuzou senses that something is wrong. He noticed she was trapped and overwhelmed, so he tried to keep his body language relaxed and non-threatening.

"I'm real."

How can we be sure?

"Look at me."

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