Chapter 21 - Hungry eyes

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A/N - A remainder that this contains some sexual description.


Juuzou wanted to train you with his blades before handing them

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Juuzou wanted to train you with his blades before handing them. After all, his blades were a part of his personality, dear to his heart. He needed to make sure you were capable of treating them right.

"Again." He orders, his hair a messy tangle around his face.

Juuzou nods approvingly, his eyes scanning the blade with a sharp intensity. You throw two, and with another one, you slice.

"Good," he says, his voice low and even. "Hold it like this, and keep your wrist loose." He demonstrates the proper grip and stance, his movements fluid and precise. You bite your lower lip, nodding.

He looks so good.

"I'm going to throw the knife, and I want you to catch it," Juuzou says, stepping back.

You nod nervously, your hand trembling slightly as you raise it to catch the incoming knife.

Juuzou aims, his arm flashing forward with lightning speed.

On your right.

You caught it, but your grip was too stretched, and it slipped away, clattering to the floor.

"You're too tense," he says. "Relax your grip and trust your instincts."

"Why are you throwing them? I'm fighting their Kagune; I won't catch it under any circumstances." You whined.

"I want you to trust them~" Juuzou explains, "That's the most effective way to wield them."

He picks up the knife and hands it back to you.

"Now throw yours at me and catch mine" His tone is stern.

You take a deep breath and nod.

You aim, your hand is steady, and the knife sails through the air.

"Good job," Juuzou says, a small smile playing at the corners of his lips when you catch it. You manage to catch the others, too, panting.

"Can we take a break, please?" You cried out.

"This will be it for today. You really should work on your endurance~" He smiled. You glared in answer.

"You are built differently. Don't expect any human to be on your level of agility or speed." You remarked, grabbing a bottle of water.

"It's not about that~" Juuzou giggles, "It's about finding the power to continue the battle. It's a pity, but many great investigators lack it..."

He says, memories floating up.

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