☄︎♡Snow Day!♡☄︎

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1st person POV~Let's see

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1st person POV~
Let's see... It was December 8th and I somehow slept through a snow storm last night. I woke up to see about 2 feet of snow on the ground. Our house and roof almost covered in snow too. I got my phone from the night stand an checked all my social media. When I thought I was done I was gonna wash my face so I put down my phone on the bed and was heading to the bathroom across my bedroom, when a 'ding!' stopped me in from of my door. 'Hm? What would that be? It's probably something dumb' I thought.
When I checked what the notification was, I saw that Nene texted the group chat a picture of the snow in her front yard...

'Hey guys and girls! There is a lot of snow from the snow storm. I'm free all day, and if you guys are too, them wanna meet me at my house and have a snow day?'

My e/c eyes were sparkling as I quickly replied...
'Omg sure! I'll ask my parents asap'

Then I took my phone with me into the bathroom and set it down on the counter. I washed my face in the sink an dried my face with a little towel. I hanged it up and headed downstairs to grab some breakfast. I saw my dad in the living room drinking his usual morning coffee.
"Good morning y/n."
"Morning dad."
"There is some chocolate chip muffins on the counter if you want some by the way." my dad said.
"Really? Thanks." I replied. I love muffins, especially chocolate chip ones.

I walked past the oven and saw the time, '10: 46 am'
'Oh, after this I probably need to ask dad if I could head out to Nene's house for a snow day with all my other friends.' My own voice echoed in my head. I open a cabinet and grabbed a paper plate to put my muffin on. I opened the plastic container of muffins inside it and grabbed one and place it on my plate. (They were huge btw) I pulled out my phone from my pocket an sat down on the dinner table. While I'm eating my delicious muffin I see a few new notifications. I click on the notifications and see that Aoi, Akane, Amane, and kou have replied to Nene's message.

•Mini Excorsist ^^•
'Ooo yea sure! I was gonna do nothing all day too, and Teru-Nii asked if he could come along too, if that's alright'

'Sure Kou! The more the merrier I always say'

(And knowing Nene like I do, she is probably super duper happy that her crush was coming to her house.)

'Oh wow! Sure! I'll be ready in about 10 min!'

・Akane the simp・
'I'll cancel everything for today if Aoi is going! I'll be ready in 10'

'Hmmm... 2 points! =^^='

・Akane the simp・

•Moon boy•
'Jeez Akane you gotta up ur game if u want to get more than an average of 2 points smh. Hm, sure. Tsukasa is at his usual winter camp with some friends, but I'll get ready to see you guys : )'

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