⊹♡A picnic in the spring♡⊹

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(F/c=favorite cerealF/d=favorite drink)

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(F/c=favorite cereal
F/d=favorite drink)

1st person POV-
It was a very peaceful Friday and all of the students from Kamome  Academy was off for spring break. I woke up at about 9 am and the morning sun was beaming through my window. I got my phone from my nightstand and checked all my social media and some people who texted me. My dad is usually at work at this time. And my one would usually stay home but this time she texted me that she was out for groceries and to collect some paper work for her work.

I texted her back, and left it at that. She probably won't be home until another hour or so. So I got up and went to the bathroom, then brushed my tangled hair and went to the kitchen to grab some f/c from the pantry. I poured myself some f/d and placed my bowl and cup on the table and grabbed my phone to scroll through tiktok. (if u may not have tt then u can just say smth else) Then about 10 minutes later I realized that I was done with my cereal and drank the leftover milk. Then I took the dish to the sink, washed it and placed it in the dishwasher. I grabbed my phone again and cleared the tiktok tab on my phone. Then made my way back to my room and flopped onto my bed...
'God, I'm so tired and I have nothing to do all day.' I groaned inside my head.
I guess it was a lazy Friday for me. So I just turned on the TV in my room and started to play video games on the TV. I didn't realize how long I was playing for until I heard the front door close.

"Y/n, I'm home!" my mom shouted. My eyes was still focused on the game but I did hear her.
"Oh okay, Welcome home!" I said back. Suddenly I lost at the game. I WAS SO CLOSE  TOO!
"Aw man!" I yelled from my room. Even if my fingers were cramping I still wanted to beat this video game. Then I heard a 'ding!' from my phone that was on my nightstand. I kinda jumped since it was kinda unexpected ehehe. I then thought that it was time to take a break from the TV and see who texted me.

I clicked on the notification and saw that Amane texted me. Me and Amane had been dating for I think a little more than 8 months. Probably 10 months from now. We both get teased a lot for having a relationship with each other. My heart pounded and was excited what he texted me.

・My one and Only・
Hey y/n, I was wondering if u are free today? If u are, then I have a surprise for u. You will like it trust me'

I was a little puzzled but happy at the same time. First, I am free all day. And second, I love surprises from Amane! He plans then best surprises. Then I replied to his text message,

'Sure Amane! Im free all day so I'm glad the surprise works. I can't wait to see what it is' then he texted back,

・my one and only・
"Hehehe yea. Meet me at the park that's near ur house and at that big green patch. That's where the surprise will be. Hope u brought ur appetite. Cya there ❤️'

My heart fluttered like butterflies, but I was confused. What did he mean by, 'hope u brought ur appetite'? Guess I'll have to see when I get there.

Then I checked the time on my phone, '12:55'?! Shoot! How long was I playing video games for?! Man, I better get ready! I rushe over to the bathroom, put my hair back and washed my face real quick. Then I dryed it off with a towel then rushed back to my room and shut the door to get dresses. I looked in my closet first to see what's something that's suitable to wear for outdoors. I picked out some light denim overalls with a white shirt with sunflowers all over it. Then I put some socks on and went over to the bathroom again and brushed my hair real good. Then I quickly brushed my teeth and once I was done with that I got a little bag and stuffed all of my essentials in it. Like for example some ear buds, wallet, charger (just in case) and a little water bottle that was small enough to fit inside the bag.

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