☄︎♡Animal shelter♡☄︎

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[pronouns: She/Her]

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[pronouns: She/Her]

1st POV:

"Ah- mommy! Look at that cat! Can we get it? Can we get it?" Tsukasa begged momma. Momma sighed. She felt like she had to say no, but the puppy face that Tsukasa was forcing on his face was irresistible. I was just in my own world. Look at all of the very cute kittens behind the glass window. But one was particularly drawn too me. The one cat that Tsukasa kept begging momma for was a fluffy orange cat. The name was Ozzie. He was so big. I don't know if dadda would appreciate a big, furry, orange cat. He's very allergic to big fluffy cats.

I was staring at the little kitten who I was drawn by. Momma notice me, looking through the glass window. Watching the little kitten sleep while he was purring next to his mother.

"Do you want that one Amane?" Mamma asked me.

"What's its name?" I asked.

"Hmm.." mamma looked at the little name tag and information that was on the bottom of the window.

"His name is clover, and he's a calico cat." Mamma informed me. I nodded my head in interest. Tsukasa came over to see the Calico cat.

"Awwww." Tsukasa said under his breath. Mamma chuckled.

"Do you like this one too?"  Mamma asked Tsukasa. Tsukasa looked up at mamma and smiled. He did like Clover too, but he was interested in Ozzie a little more.

"Bu-but I want that one too.." Tsukasa complained. Mamma thought for a moment.

"How bout this, we could get Clover, since he is smaller, and once he's old enough to have a buddy then we could maybe get Ozzie. How does that sound?"  Tsukasa pouted a little bit, but eventually gave in the idea. I was quite happy myself that we are gonna get the little kitten that I liked. Buuuttt, if we got Ozzie, then I can just imagine dadda sneezing-non stop.

Us three went to ask one of the people who worked at the animal shelter to get Clover for us, and we would adopt.

A couple days later, both me and Tsukasa would play around with Clover with all of the kitty toys that we bought at the Animal shelter. Clover was a very calm, affectionate and friendly kitty. For the next two months. Every time I would come back from school. I would see Clover at the end of my bed, sleeping. And at bed time, he would sleep next to me. Like he's keeping me protected from all the monsters under my bed and in my closet.

And he would constantly wake me or Tsukasa out early in the morning for cat food. Silly Clover. But-what we didn't really know, was that Clover suffered from a disease.

"Oh- boys I'm so sorry..." mamma apologized.

"Whats gonna happen to Clover?" I said, choking back on my own tears.

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