•*.{10 Times Better}.*•

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(Type: Angst to fluff :>)

{February 12, 1969}
It was close to Valentine's Day... only two days away. I was zoning out in class when y/n tapped me on the shoulder next to me.

"Hey Amane?" Y/n whispers

"Huh? Oh-.. uh yea?"

"The teacher, called out your name" y/n said in concern.

"Wha-? Oh uhm yes Mr Tsuchigomori?"

"Yugi.. I figured you would know this.. let me repeat the question again.. in this article.. what is the answer for, how many moons does Jupiter have?" Mr. Tsuchigomori asked me again. I was pretty smart in this type of subject.

"Oh. The answer is between 80.. and 95." I said, confident in my answer.

"Correct." As Mr. Tsuchigomori wrote it down on the chalkboard.

I heard y/n chuckled as she put the palm of her hand on her cheek.

"Man, you're really smart at this subject.. I procrastinate a lot in my studies sometimes." I heard y/n whisper to me as she sweat dropped.

I blush when she whispered that.. I don't get compliments a whole lot.. so I really liked it when I get compliments from her. I tried to hide away the pink hue from my cheeks..

"Eheh, ya think so? I'm just so passionate about space and everything... like- If I could just travel there, it would be the time of my life.. of course.. I would want you to be there with me though." I explained my dumb dream. I kinda got a big fat crush on this girl.. we have been best friends since elementary school... I bet she will only see me as that though.

"Ah.. that's would be so nice! I would gladly come with you." Y/n whispers as she smiles. Just her looking at me makes me smile as well..

And as soon as class started.. it ended for the day. I have to stay back because I would always go to my brothers club with him... or else he would get annoyed with me if I didn't. Mr. Tsuchigomori told us to pack up for the day. But I spoke to y/n.

"Uh, hey y/n.. I was wondering if you have anyone as a valentines?" Man, I asked that so obviously..

"Uhm, nope. I haven't been asked to be a valentine. Ever.." y/n looks down, embarrassed. "W-why do you ask anyway?"

"Uh, well~ since your my best friend.. you don't have to answer but- will you be willing to go to a place with me? For Valentine's Day?" I say confidently.. stepping forward towards her.

"Oh- I. Where would we go?" Y/n asked concerned.

"I was maybe thinking.. like a cafe, there's a cat cafe a few blocks from my house.. I think it would be pretty fun." I smiled. I put my hand on my desk.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 16, 2023 ⏰

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