Chapter 1

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It was a rather peaceful life for me, it was quiet, no one came to bother you about any small things like to much noise, it was perfect....... Well, almost perfect.

You always felt like there was something missing from your life, something you never had, something to fill the void in your heart, yet you never knew what it was you were missing, you had everything you could have wanted, a house out in the middle of nowhere where no one could disturb you, it was quiet, you were finally away from those poor excuses for parents, hell you even got a perfect view of the stars, no city lights to snuff them out or anything, though it did sometimes get lonely, but you paid no mind to that, you learn one thing from your parents, people will only let you down.

Trust me, I've had partners before, and all of them turned out with me feeling the same way, betrayed, cheated and alone. After the 3rd one you just gave up, moved away and stared a new life, away from your shitty parents and the reminders of your horrible life. One of the main reasons you moved here was the view of the stars, you always were fascinated with space, it was vast and big, so little discovered, you sometimes wished to explore it one day, and prove that there is more out there.

You lay down on the grass outside, apparently a meteor shower was due tonight, now who would want to miss that, not you that's who.

The tall green grass felt like hair along you back as you lay down, some tickling your exposed arms, you we're currently wearing a white sleeveless shirt and blue jeans, you scratch the bits of your arms that we're currently being tickled by the blades of grass, and stared up at the sky.

As if on cue the meteor shower started, it truly was a beautiful sight. The white tails of the space rocks painted the sky in white as they flew by the earth, this, this was truly the most beautiful thing you had ever seen, and a quickly as it can, the shower had ended, revealing the gleaming stars overhead, you smiled and stared at the sky with admiration.

Until something caught your eye, something shooting down in the sky, another comet perhaps, no it's moving to slowly, your expression turns to one of shock as you notice it coming closer, you immediately get your feet and run for the tall grass.

When you reach it you duck down onto you stomach, breathing heavily, 'What the hell is that, that's no comet' you think to yourself as you look in the direction of the object, as it gets closer you begin to see it clearly. 'I-is that what I think it is.' You thought, and yes, it was, there in the sky was a spaceship, exactly 70ft in hight and width, you pull out you phone and start recording, the ship lands and an area at the bottom suddenly splits open into a catwalk, out came what you could only assume were aliens, standing 8ft in hight and look rather intimidating.

One was various Shad's to yellow and orange, several ray like spikes coming out of its head, it seemed to have to red straps on both its arms and waist, it wore a black shirt that covered it's torso, arms exposed, it also wore knee high pants matching in colour, 2 red strips on each one.

The other however was various shades of blue, white and black, and unlike the other it had a long nightcap looking appendage coming out of the back of its head, their outfit matching the first one only the pants hand several star like markings on it, you also noted that they had, very sharp claws.

They both seemed to be wearing some sort of mask, it looked kind of like an astronaut helmet, except it only covered the facial area.

They had began to talk, what were they saying, I don't fucking know I don't speak alien. They must have herd my heavy breathing because they had stopped talking and were now looking in my direction, i clamped my hand over my mouth panicked, man were you really breathing that loudly, apparently.

Matters only got worse when they began to walk over to your current hiding spot, you suddenly remembered that your phone was still recording so you look down, it was then you noticed that it wasn't your breathing that had caught their attention, it was your phones light, so immediately you stop recording and turn off your phone, the sudden lack of light coming from your hiding spot must have startled the aliens because you notice the first one flinch and look at your hiding spot in shock.

He suddenly began to speak to the other in an tone you could only recognise and excitement, the other immediately turning to your direction and began to approach again more quickly this this, no wait, oh fuck they were speed walking to your location now, FUCKING DANDY, and with that you knew it was not wise to sit still any longer, cause the dark alien was approaching and approaching fast, so did the only logical thing, you shot to your feet and began to sprint to you house, this must have triggered the dark alien because now they were full on running at you.

Your ran for what felt like hours, when in reality it has only been a minute, and you were already getting tired, sprinting takes a lot of energy and your we a tad out of shape, but did you let that stop you, no.

Wanna know why, because that job was already taken by a large ass rock, yep you heard that right, you were now utterly screwed because of a rock. You tumble forward into a roll due to the momentum, and your back full force hits, drumroll please, yet another rock, wow rocks really want you to die today don't they.

You wheeze in pain at the sudden impact, your vision blurring in and out, when your vision clears you see the alien still running at you getting closer and closer, you would get up and run but your back disagrees with you, cause when you tried a large jolt of pain ran through your back, causing you to fall back down. You look up to see that alien was now looking down at you, their expression was unreadable, but that changed when a large sharp toothed grin took their face, before you could react you were swiftly pick up and brought back to their ship, the yellow one looking up at the dark one, look at them, his expression only told you that he was excited by their discovery. Next thing you knew the yellow one took your form out of the dark ones hold and rushed into the ship, oh hell no, you were not about to become an alien experiment.

And with that you begin to struggle, paying the increasing pain in your back no mind, the yellow one seemed to notice as he grabbed something from the table, he began to say something, but due to language barriers, you didn't understand a single thing he was saying, but you only began to struggle more when you noticed he pulled out a syringe.

Oh. HELL. NO. You had but one rule around needles, stay away from them, ever since you were young you were afraid of needles, for reasons you'd rather not explain. The dark one seemed to notice your distress and spoke to the yellow one, clearly trying to tell them that it I was not happy about the syringe, I noticed that his hand was rather close to my face, so what did it do....?

I bit them

I fucking bit them as hard as I could.

I heard a yelp come from the captor, but he did not let me go, much to my disappointment. You felt a sudden jab in the neck, you felt the feeling of something being injected into you and being pulled out, your eyes trained to the syringe, only to see that it was now empty, adrenaline started to kick in as you began to clamp you jaws tighter around the hand, a scream coming from the captor and he tried to pull you off. The dark one ran over and grabbed you back and tried to assist in pulling you off, black spots started to overtake your vision as you feel your strength leave you.

Your grip and the hand had looses enough for them to pull you off, they began to yell, the dark one trying ti see if they were ok, with you still being held in one of their arms as they check  the others hand, deep byte marks were imbedded into it, you could faintly see a blue liquid drip from their hand, they suddenly turn to you and stared to talk again, but you could've hear them and your hearing suddenly dropped out on you, their voices becoming nothing but a fuzzy mess and darkness over took you vision.

Galaxy and stardust (sun/moon/eclipse x reader)Where stories live. Discover now