Chapter 4

121 7 13

TW: Swearing (human and Alien)

(Y/n) pov

I awoke relatively tired, no surprise, I haven't been sleeping properly for the past few days, i tiredly look around, and see I'm still in the Alien Spaceship, guess it wasn't a dream after all. Just fucking great!

I heard footsteps in the hall,  I look in the direction of the Glass door of the cell and see the Yellow Sun looking alien come into view, they open the door and step inside with a bowl of what you assume is some Alien version of Eggs and toast.

"Good Morning little creature, I do hope you slept well, you looked pretty tired last time we met, anyways I brought you some food!" The alien says, placing the plate of food down in front on me.

"Thanks" I reply as I pick up the weird looking toast, before I take i byte however, realisation hit me like a train as I stare at the Alien in shock, the Alien seems to realise this as well and looks at me with an equally shocked expression.

"........Holy Fuck" "Holy Dungro"

Sun Pov

I stare at the Creature, mouth agape. "(Di-...did it just talk!?!? How!? When!?)" I think to myself.

"D-did you just talk!?" I blur out in shock. "Did you just understand me?!" It responds in an equally shocked tone.

"Holy Dustoth, you little Creature are full of surprises" I say, feeling a little relieved I can communicate with it. "Ok first off i'm not a Creature, I'm a Human" the Creature- I mean Human says.

"O-oh, terribly Sorry, I- oh Core I've been calling you an it this entire time! Please forgive me, u-um....what are your preferred pronouns?" I ask, wanting to be respectful to the Humans and call them by their proper pronouns. "It's ok, I uh...prefer to go by They/Them (you can change it if you like) I uh....don't really see myself as either specific Gender" they say, rubbing the back of their head. "U-uh.....thank you...for fixing my back by the way.....I'm (Y/n)" they introduced themselves.

"Oh! Well it's nice to meet you (Y/n), I'm Sun!" I say with much joy, wanting to get to know (Y/n) better. We are interrupted however when I hear Moon down the hall.

"SUN HAVE YOU SEEN THAT PLANT I WAS STUDYING THAT WE FOUND ON THE PLANT PLANET!?" I heard him loudly yell as he made his way down the hall to the cell.

"Uhhhh, not really, what did it look like again?" I ask. "Well it looked like a Fern, had Red leaves, ya know, kind of like the ones you put in the Salad we ate last ni-" Moon cuts off, and looks at me with a glare of anger and realisation. "Sun.....don't tell put that Foreign plant, that we have no idea what it is or does, in the Salad we ate last night..." he says sternly.

"Wait- 'gasp' you poisoned Me!?!" (Y/n) blurts out panicked, their voice startles Moon. "It Talks!?" He says shocked.

"Not It, They! And their name is (Y/n), and no I do not think it poisoned us, hmmmm......let's see, oh! I know, we only started understanding you after we ate the plant! So maybe...!" I began, Moon seemed to realise what I was saying.

"The.....Plant broke the Language barrier between us and The Crea- I mean (Y/n)...fascinating.." Moon says putting a hand on their chin. "I'll have to look more into this, in the mean time show......(Y/n) here around the ship" Moon says as he hastily walks away, leaving me and (Y/n) alone together.

I think for a moment before getting an idea.

"Say new Friend! How about we play a game?" I ask with a wide grin on my face.


I look at Sun for a moment before making my decision. "Uhhhhhh......sure, what game did you have in mind?" I ask, generally curious about what game the 2 of them were gonna play.

"Well, it's a little game which is very common around the galaxy, it's called Hide and Seek, does your planet have it?" Sun says/asks tilting his head, my face lights up. "Heck yeah Earth has it, Hide and Seek was my favourite game as a kid! Who's seeking!?" I say excitedly, completely forgetting that I was literally kidnapped a while ago.

"I'll seek first, try and find a place to hide before I finish counting down from 20, ok!" Sun responds excitedly as he walked over to the wall and propped him arms on it as he began to count down. "1.....2......3..."

Knowing what to do, I stand up and run out of the room to find a place to hide.

As I wonder the halls my search for a hiding place was not going to well, I enter what seemed to be the kitchen and look around , my time was almost up, as I rush out of the kitchen I spot a door, a sign was placed above it, but due to it being in an alien language I could not read it. "Ready or not Here I come!!" I heard Sun yell.

I open the mystery door and run inside, closing it behind me. Once I do, I turn around to get a better look at my surroundings.

The room itself was Fucking Humongous!! It was filled with what seemed to be Energy boxes, supplies and all sorts of stuff, guess it was safe to say that this was some sort of storage room, a big one at that.

I hear something move to my right, I look beside me, but there was nothing there, only the darkness between 2 big shelves that spread on for god knows how far, I hear movement again, this time to my left, I swing around again, but I am met with the same sight.

I once again hear movement, this time behind me, I spin around hopping to catch the culprit. But, it was one of those moments where you should be carful what you wish for, because when I turn around, instead of being met with darkness, I am met with what seemed to be a huminoid form, a form that was less them a foot away from me, I could tell just by looking at it I was hip hight with what ever was infront of me, I slowly begin to look up, only to be met with 3, large, wide purple and orange eyes.

(A/N: HEEELLLLLOOOO MY PEEPS! Sorry for not updating sooner, writers blocks a bitch lol, I hope you enjoyed this chapter of Galaxy and Stardust, and I will be posting Ref sheets and arts of the characters on my Tumblr when I can :3

My Tumblr: )

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