Chapter 5

107 9 12

Tw: Blood, swearing
Sorry for taking so long, I had writers block 😢
Plus I now have a screen time limit on my Phone and iPad during the week :(

You stare at the eyes with fear and shock, it tilts it's head as it stares into your very soul. If it's hight wasn't intimidating enough it's gaze sure was, it was like staring at the devil himself, it's gaze piercing through your very being.

It starts to move closer to you, in a very aggressive way mind you, as you back up it confirms your suspicions as it raises a claw to swipe at you, you manage to jump out of the way, but it manages to nick your arm, CURSE YOU FOR WEARING SLEEVELESS SHIRTS! You pay no mind to it however as you get up and make a Run for it!

Your breathing heavy as you sprint towards the door, you could hear it's heavy footsteps behind you as you ran, you could also feel it's claws grab ahold of your leg as it trips you over and pulls you towards it, you kick at the claw digging into your ankle with everything you have, but it catches your incoming attack with it's other claw, it moves up so it is now leaning over you in the most god dame menacing way possible, your starting to understand how mice feel when caught by a Cat, HELPLESS!

What makes it worse is that you only just realise now that it has 4 FUCKING ARMS! AS IF 2 WASN'T ENOUGH!? It uses it's lower arms to pin down your legs and it's top left claw pins you down by the chest while the other slams next to your head, you see it's sharp needle like teeth as it prepares to go in for a fatal byte before it stops midway.

Your confused for a moment until it looks towards where it's hand on your chest was, over your heart.........oh you have got to be fucking kidding me.......

Your to stunned to speak, was it........curious, about your heart!?'s not gonna rip it out is it? The very thought of that made your blood run cold and your spine shiver. It simply tilts it's head and leans closer to the area out of curiosity, it's investigation was halted however by soothing hitting it off of you.

"GET BACK YOU MINDLESS BEAST, BACK I SAY!!" It was Moon! He was holding some sort of.......bat? A Metal one at that, except it was glowing with cyan energy and had neon cyan spikes coming out of it an energy weapon, of course. The creatures jumps back and hisses at him, a pair of arms pick you up and run towards the exit with you in their arms, Moon following behind him, you could already tell it was Sun carrying you.

Once your out, Moon slams the door shut immediately as he steps out, loud bangs and scratching could be heard on the other-side and Moon let's put a shaky breath, he turns to Sun. "WHAT WERE YOU THINK!? LETTING THEM IN THERE!?" Sun gasps in offence.

"I would NEVER Let them in there with HIM! We were just playing hide and seek! I must have forgotten to tell them that the Storage room was off limits!" Sun barks back, Moon let's out a deep sigh of frustration.

"It had better not happen again, or else I'm dumping that thing onto the nearest planet to us!" Moon yells as he storms off, Sun sticks his tongue out at him as huffs, before turning to you. "I am So so SO sorry you had to go though that" he apologised.

"What.....was that thing?" You ask nervously, still shaken by the experience, Sun seems to freeze for a moment before speaking. "He' old friend......but.......He's not the same as he once was....." Sun says sadly as he puts you down.

"Come on....I do believe we still have a game to play?" He says, trying to lighten the mood, you give him a soft smile before nodding. "Y-yeah....I guess we do......YOUR STILL IT THOUGH!" You yell as you run off, you heard Sun give out a fake offended gasp. "Oh am I now? Better start hiding then, cause I'm bringing my A game this time!" He yells with a chuckle as he starts to count again.


Moon slams open the door to him room, He couldn't believe Sun could be so careless! He lets out a long frustrated sigh as he falls down on the bed, GOD was this what it was like for Eclipse to deal with them!?.......god......he really wished he was here right himself........God Moon shouldn't have let Him go on the stupid mission! He should have convinced him to stay! If he hadn't had gone, maybe, JUST MAYBE, He wouldn't have gotten that STUPID Virus that made him like this!

Moon sighs, he wipes away any tears that may have been forming, now was not the time to dwell on the past, all the mattered was getting home with the proof that there is more out there, that is ALL that mattered!

Moon sighs deeply, and lays on him back, he starts to wonder what they will do to the cre-.....Y/N, when the show them to the council, their parents.........Now wasn't a time to think about that........

Moon let's his eyelids get heavy as he drifts off, he had a late night last night....when ever that is......he just needed a few more hours of sleep to recharge his energy, he just hopes Sun won't wake him up like he did a few days ago when he wanted to show him a weird bug he found in the fridge, heh.......that was a funny time.

His eyes close as he drifts off, letting the relaxing, and dreamless release of sleep embrace him once more, on this cold lonely night.

(A/N: sorry if this is short, it's a School night :'( )

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 03, 2023 ⏰

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