Chapter 2

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This is just like the first chapter but at Sun and Moons POV

Moon POV:

I sat quietly in my chair as I stare into the distant voids of space. Sighing to myself as I turn to face Sun who was currently flying the ship to our next, and possibly last, stop.

Sun briefly looked at me with sadness before turning his eyes to the front again. "Do you think this will be the one brother?" I heard him ask, i merely shrugged and continued to stare. He sighed and continued to fly.

After what felt like forever we finally arrived at our destination, a planet that appeared to be rich with plantation and water, I look in awe at the beautiful sight as I stare with admiration, suddenly something catches my eye, I turn to see a dozen asteroids heading straight towards us. "SUN LOOK OUT!" I yell as Sun suddenly notices the asteroids and try's his best to avoid them.

Thankfully, he did. I sigh in relief as we begin to touch down on what seemed to be a field. I do a scan and the scanners indicate that the air was toxic, so we put on out rebreathers and step off of the catwalk. I look around before Sun speaks up.

"That was way to close for comfort if I do say so myself" he states as I look at him. "That I can agree on brother.... So you think this might be the one" Sun looks at me with a smile. "Well I-" he cuts off, and his face shifts to that of shock. "B-brother, what is it?" I ask, he suddenly points to certain area in the grass and I turn my body in the direction he was pointing. What I saw put a shocked expression on my face that matched that of my brothers.

There, in the grass, was a light. A bright white light, shining like a star in the grass. I could vaguely see a small form in the grass, it seemed to be staring directly at us. What was it? Was that light some form of lure? Was this finally the moment they had been waiting for, had they finally found what they had been searching for for all these months. So many questions entered my mind, but I was snapped out of it when the light disappeared.

I look over at my brother who had the same shock mixed with excitement face as me. "I-is that what I think it is?" He whispered, I smiled excitedly at him. "It sure is brother" I whispered back, I look back at the direction the light came from. "I'm going to check and see if it's still their, stay here and watch the ship" I said as I slowly began to make my way over to the spot, without know I began to pick up the pace in my excitement. Which must have started it, because what ever it was it had stood up and began to run, which I quickly followed suit. I ran as fast as I could to catch up with it. "(Man this thing is fast, how am I gonna-)" my thoughts were interrupted by the creature tripping in a stray rock and tumbling over, back hitting a much larger rock. I began to slow my pace as I neared it.

I could see it more clearly now, it was a small two legged creature with 2 long arms, a body structure similar to that of a celestial, it had some odd looking (h/l) (h/c) fur that only covered the top of its head. I was crouched down in a laying position, and seemed to be trying to get up, probably still disoriented by the sudden fall.

I waisted no time and grabbed the creature and began to run back to the ship, surprisingly it didn't put up much of a fight, probably processing what just happened. I reached the ship and saw a rather worried Sun, he turned towards me and his worry soon turned to admiration, I quickly approached him and he stared at the creature in shock. He made a grabby gesture with his hands, and I handed the creature over to him.

I could practically see the stars in his eyes. "Oh. My. Core. It is so amazing!" He shouted, I only chuckled. The creature must had finished processing, because it started to struggle a little. Sun look down at it in shock at the sudden struggle. "Oh dear,  now we can't have that, it'll only make it more difficult to get them on board" he said as he pulled out a syringe filled with sleeping medicine. "Now this won't hurt a bit, I just need you to calm down so that I can put you to sleep ok?" He said as he began to use his abilities to try and calm it down, and to our shock, it had no effect. In fact the mere sight of the syringe only seemed to send it into a frenzy. "That's... odd, my powers have no effect" Sun said worryingly, I walk up to him and put a hand on his shoulder. "Sun I think it for the best of we don't inject that stuff into it, we don't know what it would do to it" I said, Sun looked at me. "But how are we gonna get it into the ship and in a cell?" He asked, I was about to answer before he yelped in pain. I looked down to see what had caused it, only to see that the creature had latched onto Suns hand, teeth digging into it. The sudden byte made sun drop his syringe. My brotherly instincts kicked in as I latch my hands onto it's sides and began to try and pull it off, but the action only seemed to make it tighten it grip, and before you know it, it teeth and begun to pierce his flesh. In a panic sun used his free hand to grasp the syringe off the floor and jab it into its neck, it's eyes widen as the medicine is injected into it's system and and the syringe is pulled out.

It grip begins to loosen and take this chance to successfully pry it off. It lay limp in my arms as it begins to lose consciousness. "BROTHER ARE YOU OK?!" I yell as I check his hand, it didn't look to good, there were deep byte marks in his hand as blue blood oozed out of his wound. "We gotta check your wound immediately!" I said as I drag him and the creature into the ship and close the hatch, we remove out masks and head to the medical wing. I quickly open a cell on the way there and place the creature inside, closing it before we continued to the medical wing. I did I quick scan of Sun wound to find that the creature saliva was filled with deadly bacteria, luckily it hadn't entered his systems yet. I quickly disinfect the wound and bandage it up.

"Brother, what about the creature?" Sun asked, I look at him with worry bled on my face. "Don't worry I put it in a cell and locked the door." I say as I look through the drawers for something. "There it is!" I exclaim as I find what I was looking for, a shock collar. Sun looked at the object in my hand with horror. "B-brother is that really necessary!?" He yelled i shot a look at him. "Bother that thing nearly killed you, if we hadn't gotten here in time the bacteria would have already entered your systems!!" I yelled back as I grab him by the shoulders. "I can't lose you sun, NOT LIKE HOW WE LOST-" I cut myself off, I begin to sob. "I-....I can't lose you to Sun." He said.

Sun suddenly pulled him into a hug, he began to rub my back gently. "Brother, please, I know it hurt me but this is not necessary, it was only scared and acted on instinct, please brother." He said pleadingly, I look at him with teary eyes, before giving in. "Alright, won't put it on" I said pulling away from him, wiping the tears in my eyes.

Sun look at me and then stared into the direction of the cells, after I while he began to speak again. "I will watch them" he stated, I was about to speak again before he stopped me. "I've already made up my mind brother, I promise I will be more careful this time, I will try and tame it by the time we get home" He said, I look at him, about to argue, but realising I will not be able to talk him out of this, I, reluctantly, agree. "Alright brother, you can watch them, but that thing is very aggressive, please be careful" I say in a serious tone.

He looks at me with a joyful expression. "Don't worry brother, I promise that I will be carful while handling this creature!" He says and he starts to wander to the cockpit. "Besides we have a veeery long trip home, soooo we should have a lot of time to bond with our new friend" he says as he exits the room.

I sigh and begin to follow him. "My god sun, *sigh*, you really are a handful, I wonder how big bro was able to control you?" He states, suddenly I remember that we forgot to feed 'Him' today, groaning I make my way to the Storage room door, the storage room was surprisingly large, after all it was made to contain large cargo, so 'he' should have enough room to run around.

I gently take a Buneric from the kitchen out of it's cage and make my way to the door, I brace myself and quickly open the door and throw the animal inside, and slam the door shut and lock it. I hear movement from the otherside of the door, next a growl, and finally what sound like a struggle, I hear a loud snarl and the gross sound of  flesh being torn and blood being splattered. The struggle stops, and silence is all that left.

With that done I make my way to his room, it's probably for the best if I sleeps, after all, I'll need all his strength for the big day tomorrow.

I slowly but surly start to close my eyes, and once I do, I'm plagued by the past guilt and nightmares of the past.

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