Chapter 3

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I will be switching between (y/n)s POV to Suns POV

Suns POV:

It's been a long day.....night, I honestly don't know what time it is to be honest, anyways it's been a long time, so I put the ship on auto pilot and decided to make some food for me, my brother and the creature. I walk into kitchen tiredly as I grabbed some random stuff to make a salad, like some lettuce (yes they have lettuce in space), some sommirit fruit, and some weird red plants (let's be honest he just to tired to care what it is lol), he cut them up and put them in 3 seperate bowls.

I put Moons salad on the counter, he'll eat it when he wakes up. I walk over to the cell that held our little friend and began to punch in the code to open it, the beeping seemed to have startled it because it was beginning to wake up.

(Y/n) POV:

I wake up to the sound of some weird beeping noises, I slowly begin to open my eyes. "(Holy fuck my body feels like shit, what happened?)" I thought to myself as I finally opened my eyes all the way, only to see the tall as fuck yellow alien before, it all began to come back to me as I remembered last night, how I was chased, abducted and they..... holy funk I was abducted by aliens!

I shot up from my sleepy state and started to try and sit up to move away, big mistake. You back decided to be a bitch and send a shockwave of pain through your abdomen. "(SHIT THAT HURTS OW OW OW....)" right you had completely forgotten that while you were running the entire rock population decided to screw you over and trip you, along with giving you serious back pain. You tumble back onto you stomach and curl up in pain, the alien looks at your state in shock and puts what ever it was holding down and runs over to your form.

Suns POV:

I run over to the creature in panic and kneel beside it. "OH NO NO NO, LITTLE FRIEND YOUR HURT, HOW W- WHEN?!" I yelled as I place a hand on its back, causing to to groan in pain. I quickly pull my hand away, I start to panic more as I didn't know a thing about this creature anatomy so I didn't know how to help it.

Wait anatomy, that's it. I quickly pick it up and rush over to the medical wing, I lay it on the table and turn on the scanners. "Computer I need you to do a full body scan of the creature, it's in pain and I need to know how to help" I said as I turned in the equipment. "Affirmative, please stand by while I scan" as the computers said that it began to scan the creatures anatomy for injury's. Afterwards to finished and found the source of the pain, apparently it's spine was popped out of place due to intense impact, how it happened he it doesn't know, perhaps Moon knows something. "The spine seems to be popped out of place, I advise that you pop it back to ease that pain, the body will do the rest." The computer stated, I slowly started to put my hands over where the spine was popped, the creature stirred a little before settling. Waisting no time I put as much force as I could on the spot and as I did I heard a loud 'pop'. "Spinal relocation completed" the computer said, I sigh in relief as I look at the creature, it seems to have relaxed completely, glad that the pain was over.

I gently picked it up and walked back to the cell, spotting the 2 bowls of salad I left behind when I went to the medical wing. I place the creature down and it gave a look that was similar to confusion, I started to push that one of the bowls towards it as I inspected it, it looked at me again and back down at the salad. "Don't worry it's safe" I slowly picked up some of the salad and popped it in my mouth, wow this is actually good, best breakfast he's made. As he swallowed he look back it the being in-front of him. "See it's its ok" it then look back down at the food and slowly pick up a small chunk.

(Y/n) POV:

I slowly pick up some of the salad and ate it, and it was surprisingly good! "(Holy shit this is good)" i thought as I started to eat some more, the alien look pleased and started to continue eating as well.

After we finished we looked at each other for a bit, then he started to talk, man you wish you could understand them, now that would be a conversation, but you decided to listen nonetheless, as they continued to talk we heard footsteps from down that hall, the other alien came into view, he was eating a bowl of salad when he saw us, as he look at us I tensed up, I stared at him intensely, the alien in front of you seemed to notice the tension and decided to break it up.

Sun POV:

My brother had just entered the the hall next to us and now him and the creature were having a stare off. I could practically feel the tensing in the air as they stared at each other, so I decided to break it up before it got serious. "Good morning brother, how to did you sleep?" I ask, it seemed to work as he was looking at me now. "It was.......ok" he said hesitantly, oh boy I know that voice, he had another nightmare didn't he. I stood up and walked over to him, closing the door in the way out. "So, how is it" I ask, he looked at me confused but then looked at the salad. "Oh the salad, it's actually pretty good, gotta say it's the best thing you've made" I look at him intently. "What do you mean by that brother" I stated as he began to sweat-drop. "Uhhhhhhhh.......oh hey would you look at that my computer just informed me that it wants to show me the scans of the creatures anatomy better get going" I look at him as he rushed off to the medical wing, how the heck did he know about the scans?? I decide to not question it and made my way to the medical wing, after all I wanted to see it to.

I saw my brother look at the scans in shock. "Howwww???" I heard him whisper, I began to look through them as well, and boy it was complicated, we didn't ever know what half of that stuff was, like what was that weird tube thing at the bottom of its lower abdomen (y'all know what it is's you reproduction organ mate, male female it depends on you) and what on earth is that thing in it's chest, it looked like some sort of tumour.

"Brother what is that thing in it's chest?" I ask him. "How am supposed to know, I not an expert (and before you ask yes Celestials don't know what a heart is, cause they don't have one) "well we can learn more about it later, I need some sleep" I said as I made my way to my sleeping quarters, i lay down on my bed as I started to drift off, I feel a strange feeling in my head, not a painful feeling, more like a warm soft feeling. It only makes me drift off faster as I close my eyes and let the darkness consume me.

(Y/n) POV:

I start to lay down as I prepare to go back to sleep, now don't judge me, I'm still tired as Fuck and the warm soft feeling in my head wasn't helping, as I got into a comfortable position I stare at the ceiling, till eventually I start to drift off, black spots over took my vision as my vision was completely covered in darkness, and I lay there, have the usual e dreamless sleeps as I have very night.

Galaxy and stardust (sun/moon/eclipse x reader)Where stories live. Discover now