Stephanie- A crazy idea

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         "A drive-in movie theater, what are we doing here? I didn't even know one of these was nearby." Leo couldn't look more like a kid on Christmas, eyes wide with excitement, fingers easily tapping a beat onto the wheel as we waited in line to pay.

"Well I mean technically it's not nearby, we drove almost an hour, but how great is this?! It's the best!" He answers for me not waiting for a reply. "Every Sunday at midnight they play old cartoons for two hours only five bucks a car!" I can't help but smile to myself at his huge grin as he goes into an explanation as to why The Flintstones is clearly superior to The Jetsons but how looney tunes beat them both out of the park because of its variety.

"So I can take it you come here every Sunday then?"

"Yep, well whenever I'm not grounded..., and sometimes, most times when I am." I laugh as he puts a hand up to one side of his mouth like he's trying to hide the secret he's telling. "It's like an escape from our stupid town."

I wish I didn't get that, but I do, "The people where we live definitely can be a lot. It seems like they only want to see you be that one thing that fits in their bubble. Alisa literally told me the other day that I'd be happier if I learned how to like all the things she likes. I mean I don't think she meant it the way it came across but still." Leo frowns over at me pulling the car forward into a parking spot. "Sometimes it feels like everyone would be happier if I could just do that."

"And that is exactly why I brought you here, so you could be a kid again! Or so we both could be ourselves again guess. I always come by myself but after last night I kind of just felt like sharing it with you. You make me feel free, so let's be free." Leo finishes his thought by throwing a handful of popcorn at me and snorting at my surprised reaction.

"Hey watch it," I sound annoyed only I can't help but smile as I throw a handful back at him and suddenly we are in an all-out war tossing fistfuls at each other and around the car spilling it everywhere until we collapse into shouts and laughter.

"Well, I guess we aren't eating that." Leo's smile is infectious and neither of us can stop our silly grins.

"And who's fault is that, I think you owe me new popcorn."

"Fine, I'll be right back then." Leo is gone and back in no time carrying two new bags of popcorn we'll hopefully eat this time. "Alright, I have a very important question for you Stephanie so think long and hard about it ok?" Leo says handing me my popcorn and clasping his hands together to look at me completely serious.

"Ok lay it on me Leo I'm ready."

"Ok, here it is, The Flintstones, The Jetsons, or Looney Tunes?"

"Are you serious right now," I roll my eyes. "We're back on this, I thought it was something important." I snort accidentally as Leo elbows me in the side but he doesn't comment on it.

"This is important, it's a defining moment in our relationship! So think wisely because it will say a lot."

"I haven't even seen any of those since I was a kid and how is this fair when I know which one you want me to pick already?" Holding his hands to his heart like he's been hurt he finally puts them up in mock surrender.

"Fine fine I'll play fair, and you can tell me at the end of the night after we watch them. Just know if you pick Popeye it will say a lot."

"Trust me Leo, I don't even have to watch to know I'm not going to be picking Popeye. I'll let you know on the way home what I'm thinking."

  "And what are you thinking right now?"

"what, about the cartoons? I already said I'm not sure yet."

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