Prologue: Soulmate[s]

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5 year old, Mc would find a dark blue string connecting their left pinkie that lead off somewhere. "Look! Look! A got a string!" Mc screamed out as they ran down the stairs, tripping on their own feet a bit to show off to their guardian the Blue string that would connect them to their soulmate.
Their guardian would hum a bit and smiled. "Mc.. I can't see it. Only you can my dear." Mc stared at the string that connected their finger and pulled on it, though the string did nothing but come a bit closer, it was still far off somewhere. "Your soulmate is on the end of that string." Their guardian smiled and kissed the head of the small child, who grins excitedly. "I'm gonna get a soulmate like you!" The tattoo that was stuck on the side of their guardian's neck was very clear to see.
"Yes dear, I'm sure they are as excited as you to meet you."
Mc would cheer happily as they ran back up the stairs, taking a piece of paper, scribbling away a note that they want to give their soulmate when they meet them.

"Mc!" Mc shot their head up from their desk, a bit groggy from what happened, and they looked at the 2nd grade teacher who smiled a bit. "It's time for you to wake up. Class ended a few minutes ago." Mc looked at their book and then at the teacher. "Oh...Okay Miss!" Mc started to pack away their items. "Remember to do your maths homework." Mc looked at the teacher, before pulling out a pen and scribbled onto their right arm. "Maths homework or Miss June will be mad" A small angry face was drawn at the end. The ink seemed to change into a f/c colour, but Mc didn't pay mind as they finished packing away. As they finished clipping their bag closed, a yellow pen started to scribble onto their arm. "Oi! Don't write reminders on your arm!" Mc stared at the words before looking towards their teacher at the desk. "Miss June! Miss June!" The teacher looked up and hummed. "What is it Mc?" "I have some words on my arm I didn't write." The teacher seemed a bit surprised but hummed. "Your soulmate must be messaging you." Mc looked over at the blue string on their left pinkie still. "But my soulmate has a blue string..." Mc told the teacher. The teacher hummed a bit and looks at the little child. "Well Mc, some people have more than one soulmate. You're very special to have more than one."

Mc turned the knob of the tap to allow hot water to run into their bath. They ended up getting caught in the rain after their sport activity. They were in the first team for the 5th grade swimming team so they had to do their best in it! Mc yawned a bit as they watched the water fill the tub. They changed out of their soaked uniform and tossed it into the wash. Mc reaches over to tap again to turn off and add some cold water in. Once it was perfect, Mc sank into the bath, pouring some bubble mixture into add some bubbles to entertain themself with. mc grabbed the shampoo and started to wash their hair and rinsed it before moving onto cleaning the rest of their body. yellow text soon cleaned off their arm as they were in the bath. Soon as they moved to their leg, on their thigh was set an orange snake like tattoo, it was decorated with a small game controller as well on the side. Mc stared at it, their fingers tracing it a bit before a voice called out snapping them out of it. "Mc! Are you in the bathroom? I'm making dinner! What would you like!" Their guardian called out. "I want some tacos! Also I got another soulmate! It's a tattoo!"

Mc would find themselves waking up late after their long gaming session. Atleast it was the last day of 7th grade, they would be going into high school after this. Maybe life would be more fun when they change schools. A green notebook was settled on their bedside table, an outline of a cat was settled on the cover which Mc found quite cute. Mc would pick it up and open to find small notes scribbled down and cat drawings. "Mc! It's time to wake up! You are going to be late!" "Coming!" Mc called out as they changed into their uniform and ran down the stairs, sitting at the table where their guardian placed their breakfast on the table. "Thank you for the notebook." Mc mumbled with food being stuffed into their mouth. The guardian looked confused. "Notebook? What notebook?" Mc would place the notebook on the table which the guardian stared at it with confusion. "I never got you the notebook..." The guardian took a moment before looking at Mc. "Mc...this might be from another soulmate..." "Another..." Mc tensed up a bit, they were already getting teased and bullied for having 3. They could hear the chatter among parents when who Mc thought were their friends spread about to everyone. Mc had more than one soulmate. Mc didn't even communicate with Yellow one. No way to contact the orange or blue, but now...there was a green one too.

"Mc!? What happened?!" Mc's friend cried out as their hand pointed at Mc's neck. Mc had just gotten into highschool...what did Mr or Ms Yellow could have done? Mc tilted their head a bit and used their camera on their phone to see the various pink marks scattered about their neck. Mc could already take a guess on what it is for... "Are you so bad at makeup you can't cover up hick-" Their second friend was interrupted by MC "It' soulmate..." Mc mumbled to their friend who looked a bit confused. "Your soulmate... But isn't your soulmate in the notebook?" "Or isn't it the yellow text on your arm?" Their second friend questioned. " are both correct...They are soulmates..." Mc could feel the stares from their friends, the mix of disgust and disappointment. Mc just wanted to live a normal life, yet their 5 soulmates were getting in the way of being seen as normal...

Mc would be in their Home Economics class in their 10th grade. They started to cook some ingredients for the pie they were making with their class partner. As MC moved to taste the pie filling, suddenly it started to taste like something very salty. Mc stuck their tongue out and grabbed the sugar, taking a fill cup of it and dumping it in. "Mc! No!" Their partner cried out before, but it was too late. Their partner sighed as they soon tasted it, which the sugar over sweetened it. "You added too much sugar... Is your mouth like...a Red-orange?" Mc was a bit confused before looking at their phone seeing that their mouth was infact an unhealthy colour red-orange. "Is it another soulmate of yours?" Mc sighed and nods their head, they could feel heat creeping up their cheeks from embarrassment. Why did they have to have so many soulmates

Mc found themselves in a purple space, someone far away stood watching what seemed to be a screen. Their figure was dark purple, it looked similar to a cow, Mc went closer to see a screen of a dream like sequence being played of a war. Mc looked to see their body was entirely a different colour, they seemed to look like a pink-purple sheep beside the cow. Mc would just watch the sequence of the dream, the cow seemed to be tense as it watched the scene before looking over at MC. "Who are you?" Mc spoke and before anything else could be said, Mc would sit up in their bed. They looked at the time, before pulling themself off of the bed. They would be late for their graduation from high school. As they looked in the mirror, one of their eyes were a dark purple colour to show their new soulmate...

Throughout their university years, they would grow to have more soulmate symbols. A White streak of hair that was from another soulmate. A teal set of numbers, telling them their soulmate's birthday and a few more. Although, the last one that Mc knows for now will come soon...

Mc returned home, pulling out the keys, they noticed a letter settled inside of their mailbox, they took it out and went inside, opening it to find a letter...


We are pleased to inform you that you have been accepted at the Royal Academy of Diavolo.

Please return this letter with your sign to confirm your participation.

We are looking forward to welcoming you as part of our new exchange program.

Yours sincerely,


Mc stared at it confused. They never heard of it. They glanced at the slip and started to write into it.

"Name:" MC

"Birthday:" [Your Birthday]

"Signature:" Once MC lifted the pen a bright light filled their vision. The next thing they saw was a court like room with 8 seats. Most of them filled as the sets of eyes stared at them.

"Welcome to the Devildom MC." The red haired male spoke, yet all MC could feel was the intense burning on their back. This male...was their newest soulmate..

Dark blue string MC could see was inside of the gloves the black hair male was wearing.
Green notebook being held in the arms of the blonde hair
Light marks were settled underneath some makeup the Champagne haired male had that were in the same places as the pink on MC.
MC could taste the slightest bit of hamburger that the orange haired male was eating, their mouth was turning red from the taste.

Their soulmates....were.... here?!


Hope you enjoyed!
Chapter 1: Hell of a Soul [2.2.2023]

Soul Bound [Obey Me! x Reader] [Soulmate AU]Where stories live. Discover now