Chapter 1: One Hell of a Soul

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Previously Mc would find themselves with multiple soulmate marking scattered all over their body before ending up in the devildom where they find out some of the people in front of them is their soulmate...

Mc stared at the male in front of them, who smiled happily in their direction. "Welcome to the Devildom MC..." Mc could feel a burning feeling on their upper back causing them to try and touch it." Oh, pardon me...Feeling a bit shocked? Well, that's understandable. You've only just arrived after all. As a human it will take a little while to adjust."
Mc opened their mouth to respond, but before they continued, they closed it and stayed silent.

"I suppose I should introduce myself. My name is Diavolo." He introduced himself to MC. "I am the ruler of all demons and all here is knowing of me. And someday I will be crowned king of Devildom."
Devildom? King? What is this place? Mc would question to themself silently as they touched their back. They didn't feel any pain pressing on the burning feeling... suddenly it clicked. This was a new soulmate mark... One that this supposed future king gave them.
"MC." Mc looked up to be faced with another male. Black hair framed his face, piercing red eyes stare down at them. Mc nods their head, still not respond to any of them. He let out a sigh - taking it as if they still are scared of them all.

"I will explain everything to you." He soon got interupted by a red head. "Mc, this is Lucifer, he is a demon and the Avatar of Pride." Mc's eyes moved to stare at the blue string connecting Mc to the hand of the black hair male.
"Is there something wrong with my hand?" Lucifer spoke again, snapping Mc out of their trance, causing them to shake their head.

"Is something wrong Mc?" Diavolo questioned to them, who moved their hands up to their throat, making a cross symbol across their throat as to tell them they can't speak. "Can't speak?" Diavolo tried to think back to when him and Lucifer looked at the files, not remembering anything about Mc not being able to speak. "Well, my butler is very skilled at sign language, sadly he isn't here currently. If you are alright with communicating to us with mouthing out words?" Mc just nodded.

If the burning feeling was a soulmate tattoo, then if MC spoke to Diavolo, he would also get a burning feeling on what they said to him. So, it's best to avoid speaking, though now they would need to learn sign language to keep up this act...

As Lucifer continued to explain, and how the students want to eat their soul and how his younger brother was going to take care of them. Mc got handed a D.D.D, to call Mammon over - or well text him.
Are you Mammon?
Who do ya think ya are talking to the great Mammon!
I'm the new human exchange student.
You are meant to be looking after me.
Good luck with that
Lucifer told me that. He says its an order
You think that name is gonna scare me! Ya can't just be throwing it around thinking like that.

Soon the phone was taken out of your hand, Lucifer clicked a button and a few rings went before he spoke. "You have 10 seconds....9." The phone was soon hung up before being placed back into MC's palm.
"That was interesting wasn't it." Lucifer hummed a bit.
"Well we still need to introduce our new friend to the rest of your brothers. And its probably better if you do it instead of me." Lucifer sighed at hearing the mention of his brothers. "Yes... As much as I dread the idea of doing so, you're right."
"Oh come now. You should really be honored that you det to introduce such a sweet and charming little brother like me." One of the people spoke. He sat underneath the scorpion banner and smiled. Light purple marks could barely be seen underneath the collar of the shirt, causing MC to pull up theirs.

"This one here is Asmodeus. He's the fifth eldest." Lucifer explained. "He is the avatar of Lust." Asmodeus looked over at his brother, clearly offended by how he introduced him. "Atleast you weren't ignored all together." The male on Asmodeus's right, spoke.

"That one there is Satan, the fourth eldest, at first glance he may seem like a responsible demon with a good head on his shoulders, but looks can be deceiving."
"Ahh, so I'm that one, am I? Nice to meet you MC. I am Satan, the Avatar of Wrath."
"Lust? Wrath?" Mc mouthed out towards them, which Diavolo spoke for them to hear. "It sums up what we are about! Especially my power. Let's give a little demonstration! Mc, look into my eyes for a moment. It's okay~ I won't hurt you." Mc shook their head, and stepped away.
"What you don't want to try?" He huffed a bit. "You're no fun at all."

"I should probably warn you, MC, You'd best be wary of Asmodeus's gaze. He can charm and manipulate people and use them to his own advantage." Mc is pretty glad to not have looked into his eyes.

"Are you done." Lucifer sighed and shook his head. "The one that has a very grumpy look is Beelzebub, the sixth eldest." The orange hair male looked over and grumbled. "Lucifer, I'm hungry."

"Too bad, now behave yourself." Beel looked over at MC. "I'm Beelzebub, the Avatar of Gluttony." Lucifer looked back over at MC. "There are seven of us brothers in total, I am the eldest. Mammon the second eldest will be here soon."
Lucifer glanced over at two chairs that had no one in. "My other brothers aren't here at the moment, but we can get to them later...All in good time.."

As Diavolo butted in to add on, how MC would have to do tasks, live with the brothers in the house of Lamentation. The door soon busted open to reveal a male with white hair.
Chapter 2: Yellow Scribbles [4.2.2023]

Soul Bound [Obey Me! x Reader] [Soulmate AU]Where stories live. Discover now