Chapter 7: Movie Marathon of TSL!

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"Oi....Oi!" Mc opened their eyes a bit to see Mammon standing there, dressed in his uniform. "Ya can't just be sleeping in. Lucifer will kill me if I didn't..." Mammon seemed to notice something about Mc was different.

He thought it was possibly them passed out on their desk, hair messy, dark circles under their eyes, their skin being less vibrant than usual.

"What is wrong with ya human?" Mc looks at him and gets out of the desk.

'I'm fine...just tired..' Mc mouthed before their hands move to grab the open journal on their desk, shutting it closed as fast as they could. Mammon would watch them leave the room to the dinning room.

Mammon couldn't pin point what was wrong. He didn't know what to say. What was going on with the human?



"Mc, you seem quite tired today." Lucifer mentioned outloud - though his hands were making symbols to the human. Mammon would glance over at the human to see their response.

'I *** *** **** ** Sleep. ******** I can **** ** ** school Lucifer' Mammon could make out a few words that Mc's hands were symbolizing. He moved his hands under the table to try and remember what the words.

"I suggest that you stay home if you were unable to sleep MC." Lucifer told the human as he finished up his drink. "Humans are required to have sleep. It is important that you get proper rest. We wouldn't want you falling asleep."

Mammon looks at Mc again seeing how their face changed from the neutral expression to annoyed to neutral again. Their hands move to respond to Lucifer. '**** ***** Lucifer... I ***** ** ** ** school. ****** has my **** book.'

"I will have Mammon collect your workbook from Simeon. Now, go and rest."



Mammon would feel an intense sense of worry as he was waiting for classes to end. He would deal with the Student council meeting, glancing at the time again and again.

"Mammon? Is something wrong?" Mammon was cut out of his thoughts as Diavolo mentioned his name.

"Ah- No nothin' wrong." Mammon responded as he tried to push back the thought of the human aside.

"Is it because the human wasn't well and Lucifer is watching over them?" One of his brothers commented.

"That ain't it!" Mammon huffed a bit and crossed his arms. He closes his eyes.

That's not the reason.... No way he cares for the human.



'Do you know what will distract Lucifer from the staircase?' Mc mouthed to Mammon. Mammon would take a moment to think.

"Is it to satisfy some curiosity or somethin' because nothing but old furniture and Lucifer's stuff is up there. Mammon would let out a sigh as he looks at the human's face.

"We need to get a cursed Vinyl from Levi..." The human tilted their head to him, wanting to get an explanation on why they would need it.

"Lucifer really loves cursed music ya hear. He had been wanting to listen to the vinyl though he never knew that Levi had it. If ya get the vinyl, Lucifer will be distracted long enough for you to see what is up there."

Mc nods their head slightly. 'How are we going to get it from Levi?'

"Levi never lets anyone take his stuff. Ya can't go and ask him for it you need- Hey! Where are ya going!"



"You really left a note under his door?" Mammon stares at Mc who was pushing a small note under the door after knocking.

Mc looked up at him and nods their head a bit before a note came sliding back out. Their eyes lit up a bit, a small smug smile appears on their face causing Mammon to just look away and huff.

"What does it say?" Mammon felt a poking on his side before the note was handed to him. He opened it to find a large 'Go away' written on it.

"Oi! Levi! Open the door!"

"What's the password." "Password?!" Mammon yelled back to him, He didn't know what his brother was up to.

Mammon looks at Mc, who wrote another note on the paper and slips it under before levi yells out "Wrong!" After a bit

Mammon watched their cheeks puffed up a bit as a silent huff came from them.... He would watch their expression become annoyed, their hands moving to sign something that he couldn't exactly get, but he guessed it was gibberish from the few letters he could understand.

"Ah Mc, Mammon. It's surprising to see you two here." Solomon appeared behind the two. He would say something after knocking on the door.

"That's the password Mc!" Mammon told Mc as he tried to think of what it was. Mc would scribble down, showing Mammon before sending it to Levi.


"But its what Solomon said! Ugh it must have been a one use password..."

Mammon huffed as he looked at Mc. "Levi ain't going to let you inside unless you're a super weird and like his stuff." Mammon watches as Mc's eyes lit up as they thought of something.

Mammon felt like the idea was going to be a bad thing...



A Tales of The Seven Lord's movie night..

Mammon would have to sit through hours of these movies, just for the sake of the human trying to talk to Levi? This was so dumb... Beel was there too! Just to steal his and Mc's Popcorn...

Mammon would grumble a bit as the first movie came on, though he started to relax a bit more as the story was getting more interesting. Sometime throughtout the movie, Beel had left to get more food leaving Mammon and Mc alone.

Mammon would sit and watch the movie, his eyes tearing up a bit as he watched certain parts. He would glance over to find Mc sleeping. He watches as their chest moves up and down a bit, their hair covering parts of their face which didn't look bad in anyway.

His eyes would move towards the blanket not too far away from them. his hands reach over to the bed to pull the blanket off of the bed to be able to throw onto himself and MC for comfort. Though his eyes soon stopped like his heart beat when he spotted a familiar green notebook with a cat ontop of it hidden underneath the bed...




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Chapter 8: Mammon.

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