Chapter 09

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Juancho' s

I wanted to punch everyone that is breathing.

Kanina pa ako nandito. I followed Alejandro and Caelus. Before this god-damned Elliot came, I am already here. I was in the dark part yet I know Alejandro knows.

I saw how Elliot hugged Caelus and his plan of not letting Caelus go. The fuck? And Caelus hugged him back like he doesn't have a son. What made my blood to boil even more is the fact that Alejandro answered that Caelus is still single. Wow! At bakit ang tagal sumagot ni Caelus sa tanong na yun? Bullshit!

"You looked so irritated, dude. Are you not happy that I am back?" Talagang hindi!

I glared at him. "Fuck you, Elliot!"

"Oh damn. I received too much curse words from the Alfonso's but who cares? At least, Caelus says he misses me." Nagmamayabang na sabi nito.

Matalim kong tinignan si Caelus. Nakatingin ito kay Elliot at nakangiti. Fuck! Alam kong nararamdaman niya ang matatalim kong tingin but he is fucking ignoring me. Nakangiting aso naman ang Elliot na 'to kay Caelus.

Is Alejandro and I just props in their love story here?!

"I am sure you did missed him too," Dagdag naman nitong lintik na Alejandro habang nakatingin sa akin. He grinned. "Like a lot."

Humilig ako sa sandalan at hinigpitan ang hawak sa baso ng inumin. They're really testing my patience, huh?

"You could actually spend time together. I, as the Chairman of the company where Caelus is working, I am allowing him to do so even if it's his working day."

What the actual fuck, Alejandro?

"But I, as the CEO, I, who is responsible for Caelus would not allow." Malamig kong sabi. Diretso rin ang tingin ko kay Elliot na nagtataka sa akin.

Go on, fucker, magtaka ka, but you ain't taking Juaquinn's babe with you. Not with my god-damned watch.

Elliot smirked.

"It's fine. We could spend time during his day off."

Again, not when I am watching. Day off, huh? His day off belongs to Juaquinn.

No one else.

Nagsimula na kaming uminom ng mas marami. Women throws seductive looks at us but we ignored them. Wala akong panahon makipaglaro dahil talaga umiinit ang ulo ko ngayon. Caelus isn't a drinker but he still drinks. Hahagurin naman ni Elliot ang likod niya kapag nauubo siya. How could he let him touch him?

"Calm down, brother-mine. Elliot doesn't know that Caelus is married to you. Let them be."

Pabulong ngunit nang-aasar na sabi ni Alejandro. I glared at him. Talagang ginagalit niya ako. Does he think magseselos ako't magwawala just because this fucker keeps on touching Caelus? No fucking way.

Right. I shouldn't care.

Ano bang ikinagagalit ko? This is nonsense! If they want to flirt with each other then fine. Tumayo ako't naglakad papunta sa babaeng kanina pa nakatingin sa akin. Might as well flirt too.

"Hey, gorgeous," I huskily said before tracing his legs with my fingers. I smirked. "Wanna have fun?" Malandi itong ngumiti at kaagad na iniyakap ang mga braso sa leeg ko.

"Who am I to say no?"

She bit her lower lip. That's it. I smirked before attacking her neck. Hinalik-halikan ko ang leeg niya habang pasimple siyang iniikot. I want him to see Caelus's reaction and when I finally did, I saw him looking at us.

His eyes seems sparkling and he's smiling sadly. I felt something inside my chest as we stared at each other. Hindi ko iniwan ang mga mata niya at kitang-kita kong nalaglag ang isang luha sa kaliwang mata niya. Kaagad akong tumigil sa ginagawa at itinulak ang babae palayo sa'kin.

"What?" Naiiritang sabi ng babae. I gave her a cold gaze. Napaatras ito at kaagad na umalis sa harapan ko. Good that she understood immediately.

Ibinalik ko ang tingin ko sa pwesto namin at sinalubong ako ng matalim na tingin ni Alejandro. I sighed. Hindi ko makita si Caelus dahil nakatayo siya sa likod ng upuan nito. I walk towards them. Nang makalapit kay Alejandro, kaagad niyang hinawakan ang braso ko't hinila ako papalayo sa pwesto namin.

"What the fuck are you doing?!" Galit na tanong nito ng makalayo kami. Saglit akong tumingin kay Caelus at nakita kong muli na itong nakatalikod at masayang nagkukwento si Elliot. I looked at Alejandro again.

"Flirting." Matabang kong sagot. 

"Fuck you, Juancho. When will you stop hurting him? When will you realize that he truly loved you! Kapag nawala na sila sa buhay mo? Man up!"

I smirked. "I didn't ask for them in the first place and you fucking know that!"

Umiling ito. "Pagsisisihan mo rin 'tong mga kagaguhan mo pagdating ng panahon. I maybe ruthless but at least I am not a worthless husband and an undeserving father. Get the hell out of here.

Tinalikuran ako ni Alejandro. I was left dumbfounded. My brother called me a worthless husband and an undeserving father. Yeah, maybe he is right. I am, but he will never understand me. He will never understand why I am like this. He will never know why I hated Caelus and why do I hate myself too.

No one will understand!

Kaagad akong lumabas dahil talagang gusto kong magwala. This is the first time my older brother told me such things and it did hurt me. Pumasok ako sa loob ng kotse ko at doon ako sumigaw. "FUUUUCK! FUUUUCK!"

Malakas kong hinahampas ang manibela. Hindi alintana ang sakit sa kamay. Galit na galit ako. I feel like I am a volcano and I wanted to explode, so much. I frustratedly pulled my hair bago ko inihilig ang ulo ko sa pagitan ng mga kamay kong nakakapit sa manibela.

An undeserving father.

I knew it. I am in the verge of crying and I am just stopping myself. I can't cry. There is no way I would. I breathed deeply to calm myself down. Hindi ako galit kay Alejandro, it was my fault. I can flirt but not when he is watching for he treasures marriage so much. That's what our parents taught to us.

"I have to get back inside," I whispered when I finally calmed myself down. Kaagad akong lumabas mula sa kotse at muling bumalik sa loob.

Nakita ko sila at nakita ko ang ngiti ni Caelus habang nakatingin kay Elliot. How dare this Elliot? I gritted my teeth before walking towards them. Huminto ako sa mismong gilid ng upuan ni Caelus.

"Caelus," I called.

Sabay silang tatlo na lumingon sa akin. I extended my hand towards Caelus. I can't stop myself anymore.

"Ba— bakit?" Tanong niya habang nakatingin sa kamay ko bago tumingin sa mata ko na puno ng pagtatanong.

"Let's go home, honey. Our son is waiting for us."

CEO' s Husband (Alfonso Series #2)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon