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In a dark space with not even a hint of light and life, a single glowing ball of light wandered for many years in this place.

The light flickered and wavered, but the blinding white light never died.

The white ball of light was an unknown specie or life form that had been living in this world since the universe was made and before the heavens were even formed.

Its life had spanned many millenniums and years that it could not even remember anymore how many years it was living in this world, all it knew was was bored.

It had lived many many years, the sun had risen and fallen, the mountains and rivers changed and time had passed it by but time had not changed even a minuscule of itself, it was as if time had no effect on it.

It did not change nor could it die, it can only continue living as it traverses the millions of world in search of maybe an ending that it can never get.

Time ticks and days pass but the ball of white light remained the same with no change.

It already traveled millions of worlds, hoping for a change or if will there be any change, maybe it had already reached the end of the vast universe seeing that the path is already this dark that it can't even see the path ahead of it.

It was like a wandering ghost with no home, to wander with no goal ahead and no home to go back to.

Its heart was long cold, and nothing could change nor move its rock-hard heart no matter where it goes it remained the same, still the same.

"What is that?"

Somehow, walking on this unending path, it noticed that the path that it was walking on suddenly had a strange but unusual light.

This is the first time that it has seen something of color in this place other than black. Its heart was curious, it slowly walks towards the round violet light.

When it reaches the light, it was sucked through.


"So pitiful!" A middle age woman cried.


"He is still so young but he died just like this!"


"Lan Ge!"

The world seemed to cry for the loss of the person in front of everyone, the sun was hiding behind the ominous clouds and the wind was blowing fiercely like it was screaming out loud.

The people surrounding the white still coffin in the middle threw bright red roses on the center of the coffin while crying their hearts out for the loss of the person lying inside the coffin.

This scene was what the little ball of white light had seen the moment the portal spit it out. It was curious and wondered why the portal transported it to this kind of place.

The ball of white light look around, it frowned hearing the loud noise around it. It watches the people around it, it seems to be that they are sad.

The blob of light walk around, it could not understand why these people are sad, there is water falling down from their eyes which is unbelievable to it.

'How can water be coming from the eyes?' It thought.

The blob of light look at the people one after another who was spitting water from their eyes, in our case, they were shedding tears.

'''They are shedding tears''' A voice suddenly said in its mind.

'Why are they shedding tears?' The blob of white light asked to itself.

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