the beginning of something new.

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What you're wearing:

Stepping out of the car, walking to the doors of the Smosh building, I couldn't help but think:

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Stepping out of the car, walking to the doors of the Smosh building, I couldn't help but think:

'What if I don't fit in?'

'What if they hate me?'

'What if I fuck up?'

I tried to physically shake the thoughts from my head as I reached for the door handle to this huge building. I'm about to push the door open when I hear a voice that seems to be coming up behind me.

"It's a pull!"

I turn around and see a short, fit, dirty blonde man. He has the biggest smile on his face and is jogging up next to me. As he jogging over, I take in his outfit. He is wearing a plain white t-shirt and dark jeans which made me feel as if I over dressed. It didn't take long until he had caught up to me and he pulled the door open.

"Is this your first day?" He said, gesturing for me to go through before him.

"Oh yeah, actually it is. I'm a new cast member!" If he didn't stop me there, I don't think I would've ever stopped.

"OMG, that's right! I completely forgot about that! Well I'm Shayne, I can show you around if you want!"

I smile, feeling my face start to turn red. He was so kind and I could tell we would become quite close.

"Yes, please." I chuckle nervously.

He continues to show me around, pointing out where the kitchen is, the bathrooms, and main filming rooms. Afterwards we sit in the lounge together.

"I honestly think that's all you need to know for now."

"It feels like I'm back in high school"

He chuckles, what a beautiful smile... No. I cannot fall in love with anyone this quick, especially if they are my co-worker.

"It's time to film a 'Try Not To Laugh' video. I don't know if you're going to be in it but even if you aren't, you should watch!"

I nod and follow him towards the 'TNTL' set, having already forgotten after he showed me just two minutes before.

"Hey everyone! This is our new cast member his name is uh-"

"Y/N. My name is Y/N."

Shayne my loveWhere stories live. Discover now