smosh games

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Me, Shayne, Kimmy, Tommy, and Spencer were picked for Smosh games. We were chosen to play 'Jenga Quake'. Kimmy introduced the video and game.

"-Basically Jenga Quake is just like Jenga where one player will choose one block to remove from the tower, they can choose to remove any block from the tower and the player can only use one hand to remove the block. After the player has removed the block, they must place it on top of the tower. Once the block is placed, if none of the blocks fall off the tower, the next player goes. BUT! there is this thing called the earthquake machine, where all the blocks go on, at random intervals the earthquake machine begins to vibrate which shakes the blocks and the duration that the shaking can last can vary."

I was actually pretty excited to play this, I felt more comfortable after doing so well in TNTL.

I went first and nothing happened, next was Shayne and nothing, then at the end of Tommy's turn it started to rumble. After Tommy it was Spencer and he took his time, almost knocked it over but didn't. Last for the round was Kimmy who took a while but ended up doing fine. Everyone passed the next round but after that Tommy knocked over the tower. Then in two more rounds Spencer lost. The one after that I lost. 3 Rounds after that Kimmy lost, which meant that Shayne won!

After Shayne won, we put the game back in the box.

"First time I've won." Shayne said, getting up from his chair.

I couldn't tell if he was joking but when looking around the room and seeing most people sighing or rolling their eyes, I realized.

"Hey so are we going straight to the restaurant? I drove here so it's fine I just wanna know what time." I say, slightly mumbling.

"Well uh I don't have a car so I may be a little late-" Shayne was saying.

"I can drive you" I interrupted. Jeez Y/N calm down.

"Okay well if everyone else has a ride I guess we'll go!" Kimmy said, putting on her jacket.

I was secretly so happy. Even after just spending a few hours with this guy, I think I'm falling for him...

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