where am i?

44 1 1

I wake up and try to sit up but get hit with the worst headache I've ever felt. 

"Holy fuck!" I say to myself, the pain seeming to force it out of me.

I hear thumping. Running footsteps? Then they stop. I look up and there he is.

"Are you okay?"

I look up and see it's Shayne. Oh shit. How did I get here? What happened?

"Uh y-yeah"

"Do you remember what happened?" He sat down next to me on the bed.

"No actually, I'm sorry..."

"Don't worry. I took your keys from your pocket and got you into your car. I drove you here since I didn't know what hotel you were at so I just took you here. I let you take my bed and slept on the couch."

"Oh uh thanks for helping me, I really appreciate it."

"No problem, I wanted to make sure you were safe. Besides, now I can show you around. The room you can have is currently being used for storage but it shouldn't take long to clear it out. I don't actually have another bed yet though so we'll have to get one."

I don't know if I can handle living in the same house as him...

"We don't have work today but I was thinking  maybe we could grab your stuff from your hotel and bring it here!" He continued.

"Today?" I ask.

He wants me to stay at his house already? I thought it would take more than that...

"Yeah, um, if that's okay with you."

"Ye-yes of course I just didn't expect you to want me to move in so suddenly" I chuckle softly to myself, still in a little disbelief that I move here for a job, make friends with my coworkers, and am already moving in with a cute boy... but not like that.

He smiles. His smile is soft and radiant. He was like my own personal sun.

We end up heading to the hotel an hour later, gathering all of my stuff. As I signed out of the hotel Shayne brought my suitcases to the car. He sure is strong... look at those arms...

"All packed up!" Shayne said closing the trunk.

I smiled at him, then got in the drivers seat. I was confident enough to use my actual playlist this time instead of the radio. 

"Hey, are you hungry?" I say, turning to face him, putting the car in drive.

"You know what... I am" He smiled. Oh that smile is going to be the death of me...

"Let's go to the coffee shop up the road. It had just opened the day I came here and it's really good!"

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 19, 2023 ⏰

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