the car ride/restaurant

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As I got into the car, the butterflies in my stomach grew larger. While waiting for Shayne, I turned on the car and 'Quarter Life Crisis' by The Other Realm started playing. Anxious that he wouldn't enjoy my playlist, I turned on the radio. After about 5 minutes, Shayne was at the cars passenger door.

"Hey, sorry I took a while. I tried to be as fast as I could."

"OMG no it's no problem, it shouldn't take long to get to the restaurant." My smile grew, I noticed I've been smiling all day.

I started driving towards the restaurant. We talked all the way there, about movies, shows, etc...

Upon arriving at the restaurant, Shayne got out of the car first, quickly walking over to my side to open the car door for me. Cute. We walked into the place and Amanda came to the front to get us and bring us to the table. Everyone else seemed to be here already. It was only cast members so there wasn't a whole lot of people, which helped with my nerves.


I was happy to sit next to Shayne, it made me feel better

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I was happy to sit next to Shayne, it made me feel better. Sitting next to Damien was also helpful but mostly Shayne. I ordered my favorite meal and tried my best to join in on the conversations happening around me.

"So, Y/N, how long have you been living here?" asked Saige, politely covering her mouth as she was chewing.

"Not too long actually. Only a few months."

"Do you have an apartment, house, or?" Courtney asked.

"No uh- actually I've been living in a hotel."


"Oh?" She says.

"Yeah, it's pretty expensive around here..." I chuckle.

"You can stay at my place!" Shayne blurted out.

Almost all eyes turned to look at him. His cheeks turned slightly red.

"Oh well... if you don't mind; that'd actually be great!" I respond, very excited about the idea of hanging out with Shayne more.

"I can show you around when were done here."

"It was gonna be a surprise but... we were gonna go out for drinks after this" said Kimmy.

"Hmm" I turn to face Shayne "We could still go out for drinks! If you're good with that."

"No-yeah, of course we can." He smiled.

Shayne my loveWhere stories live. Discover now