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I drove Shayne and Courtney over to the club because Courtney took an Uber and as we were leaving, asked to come. During the ride I barely talked, while Courtney and Shayne were non-stop chatting.

The bar was very full, there was barely any wiggle room. As anxious as I was, I was determined to have fun. Shayne told me the others would split my check which, honestly, I didn't expect. But I am perfectly okay with it.

Shayne went to get us drinks while I started talking with Keith and Noah.

"So how has your first day?" questioned Noah, who hadn't taken a sip out of his drink while Keith had half of his gone.

"It's been amazing. I had a really good day."

"That's great. We're glad to have you here." Keith added in.

"Kinda surprised that Shayne is going to let you stay at his place." Noah mumbled slightly.

"Wait why?"

"Well you're new and only a few of us have actually slept at his house."

Huh. I feel...special? I think?

"Hey, I couldn't find you; it's so crowded." Shayne said, sweating.

Whatever he had ordered me was strong. I kept asking Shayne for more and he did as I asked. I mostly danced with Courtney and Amanda. I wasn't the best dancer, I'd be the first to admit that, but it's a club so no one can dance. The times when I wasn't focused on dancing I looked over to Shayne who was just standing against a nearby wall. He was drinking and smiling while watching over us. At this point I decided to start getting my own drinks. I didn't want to bother Shayne since he was already doing so much for me. But when I started getting them myself, I lost count of how many I had.

"Hey uh maybe you should have some water." I looked for the voice and found it was Shayne.

"Nahhh... I'm okay~." I felt so lightheaded and heard myself slurring my words.

"At least sit down. Please."


I felt him grab my forearm and lead me to a seat. All of my limbs felt like soft noodles.

"I really think you should drink some water..." I could feel his hand on my back, I'm assuming he's doing that so I don't fall back.

That's the last thing I remember before waking up in a room that was not mine.

Shayne my loveWhere stories live. Discover now