Union and Reunion

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"I already told you that I'm against blind dates." protests Persephone as her and Squeaks near the edge of the town. "I mean, what if he is a creep or something?" 

"I I understand what you are saying saying." Squeaks glances up as clouds start to move in. "But but in my experience, I find it better to obey Gods when in their domain domain." 

With a great eye roll, she replies "Pfft. If you say so." Squeaks feels her get scared as they reach the edge of the apricot farm. "I still don't want to do this." 

He sniffs at her. "You you are afraid afraid." She looks away, both embarrassed and upset. "What what scares you about this this?" 

"I don't want to talk about it." As they pass the first row of trees, she slows down in an attempt to delay the inevitable. "Why do you care anyway?" 

"Other other than the fact a Goddess ordered me to bring you here, I am still trying to make amends amends." She replies with a dirty glare. He thinks for a moment before having a realization. "You you never had a relationship before, have you you?" 

She turns and slaps him. "That is none of your business!" She turns and starts to walk away from Squeaks. Looking back at him as she storms off, she says "I'm not doing this. Thanks for the food and cloths but I will not be..." 

With a humors noise, she bumps into a young man causing him to drop his basket of apricots and she falls down. As he looks at her, he says "Sorry! Sorry my lady. I didn't see you there." The young man says as he leans over and starts to help her up. 

"No, no. It's my fault. I wasn't looking..." She falls silent as they make eye contact. There is a small shimmer in both their eyes as the fall into each other.

 After a moment of stillness and silence, Alexander says "Hello. My name is Alexander." He carefully takes her hand, lifts it and places a small kiss on it. "May I have the honor of knowing your name?" 

With a smiling face as red as a raspberry, she says one small word. "Persephone." 

He helps her up and, with a smile, he replies "Well Persephone, please accept my apology. I should've noticed one as lovely as you." 

She lets out a schoolgirl giggle and gives him playful slap on the shoulder. "Stop flattering me." 

"Squeaks!" shouts Calliope, breaking the moment. They both turn and watch as the young girl runs with all her speed to the wererat. "I want to blink! Can we blink?! Please!" 

He picks her up and smiles. "Like like this this?" He does three quick blinks ending up very close to Alexander and Persephone. 

"More! More!" Calliope cries as Persephone gets a confused look on her face. 

Squeaks sets her down. "I I will make you a deal deal. Let let me say hi to your uncle and introduce him to my friend and then we can play a lot lot." 

She gets a big smile. "Deal!" Very happy with the arrangement, she runs over to a tree and starts to climb it. 

Before the other two can speak, Squeaks says "Persephone Persephone, I would like you to meet Alexander Alexander. He he is the uncle of the young Calliope over there and owner of this farm farm." 

Still blushing, she says "And a lovely farm it is." She giggles again, almost uncontrolably. 

"Alexander Alexander, I have a task given to me by Aphrodite and I need to get moving moving." He looks back and forth between the two whom both seem very enamored by each other. "Long long story short, I messed up Persephone's life a little and promised I would try and make it better better. Then then Aphrodite told me to bring her here here." 

Alexander, eyes still locked on Persephone, says "Praise Aphrodite for that." 

Persephone turns brighter red. After a chuckle, Squeaks says "Since since you two seem to be..." He gives them both a big smile. "...getting along, I got an idea idea. You you need someone to help you watch over Calliope and she needs a place to stay stay. I I hope you see where I'm going with this this." 

"Y-yes I do." He says nervously, still holding her hand. His eyes shimmer again as he looks deeply into her eyes. "Does what he said sound agreeable to you?" 

"Yes!" she replies with far more enthusiasm than she wanted to. Her head lowers and she looks away. "I mean, yes. Yes. That seems like a fair arrangement." 

After Squeaks tells Alexander about what happened with the bird man and more backstory about him and Persephone, he spends about an hour playing with Calliope. Once she is worn out, he gives Alexander and Persephone a small sack of coins and leaves the farm, feeling good that he was able to right a wrong. Missing Grania a lot, he blinks across the land as fast as he can towards the Tower of Sevet. 

As she gets out of the bathroom, Grania looks around the room lets out a small sigh. Missing Squeaks a lot and needing him more, she takes a seat on the edge of the bed. Looking out the single slit window, she watches the clouds darken. There is a sudden crack of thunder that startles her, causing her to let out a yelp. "It it is just thunder thunder." Squeaks says from the doorway. 

"Squeaks!" Almost as fast as his blink, she hops off the bed, runs over to him and gives him a big hug. "I missed you so much." 

"I I missed you too cutie cutie." They hold each other for a moment, then share an awkward kiss. "How how are you you?" 

"Much better now." Finally, she lets go of him and they move to the table with the wine Sevet left them. "It's been really, ummm, rough for me since you left." 

He grabs the bottle and starts to open it. "What what made it so rough rough?" 

Over the next half hour, she goes into detail about what happened to her as they drink the very good wine. She tops off their glasses and sets the empty bottle on the table. "...and now I think I am, ummmm, going crazy." 

"I I am sorry you had it so hard hard." He slides his chair next to her and wraps his arm around her waist. "I I should've been here with you you." 

She puts her hand on his leg. "Don't be sorry. I know you were doing something good like always." She starts to rub his leg. "You're such a good guy." 

"And and you are a strong woman woman." He leans in and does his best to kiss her cheek when her hand grabs the back of his head, and she kisses him as passionately as she can. Without hesitation, she slides her hand between his legs and starts to rub as his hands slide under her shirt. He blinks them to the bed, and they wrap their legs around each other as sounds of passion fill the room.

Mercenaries of the Gods: Chronicle Three - CataclysmWhere stories live. Discover now