A Moon with a View

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Landing not to far from Uluru, Morothoth, in full dragon form, makes his way to the entrance of Bahamut's realm. His form glows with fire as he slowly marches towards his goal. As the sun moves behind a cloud, his head turns to the left. From across the desert, a wave of Irithor's minions race towards him. Ten thousand strong, they make their war cries as they close the distance. Morothoth sighs and turns to face the crazy. His scales brighten and he readies for death when he pauses and looks up. A streak of black starlight pierces the cloud obscuring the sun and lands next to him. It coalesces into Bahamut who looks over at him with a smirk. "Welcome back Morothoth." He looks at the incoming wave of foes. "It seems you might attracted some attention." 

Morothoth chuckles. "My wisdom thinks they were coming for your might and I just happen to show up at a coincidental moment." 

"Perhaps." The dark star dragon retorts. "Regardless, the fool did not send enough troops." 

As Morothoth lets out a mighty laugh as they both lift into the air. Both begin to glow as the speed towards the wall of malice coming at them. At the same time, both unleash their breath weapons, strafing the mass of troops. As streaks of energy leave the dead troops and streak off to the north, Morothoth forcefully lands in the center of the mass and begins to assail the troops with his claws and tail. Bahamut circles around and lines up another strafe. As he starts to glow, Lunari and a few dozen other atmospheric dragons descend from the sky and take up formation around Bahamut. Bahamut smiles as the others all charge up their breath weapons. 

A short time later, Morothoth hits the last of the large minions with his clubbed tail and sends it flying through the air. While airborne, Lunari hits it with her breath weapon of focused lunar light, and it crashes to the ground dead. As the rest of the minions are chased down and slaughtered, Lunari makes her way over to Morothoth as Bahamut perches upon Uluru. "Greetings mighty Morothoth." 

"Greetings Lunari." He gives her a respectful bow. "I was hoping our mights would meet again, but under better circumstances." 

She looks down at a minion who is clinging to life and crushes its head. As she shakes the blood off her claws she smiles. "While less than pleasant, the circumstance could not be avoided." 

"Lunari." Bahamat says from his perch. "Come over here." 

"Right away Lord Bahamut." She gives Morothoth a bow, takes to the sky and lands before Bahamut. She takes a knee and lowers her head. "How can my might and wisdom serve you mighty  Bahamut?" 

"Take the rest of our kin and return to the sanctuary." He glances up at the sky. "Morothoth and my might have matters to attend to." 

"Of course, my Lord." She starts to rise. "I will do this right away." 

"Wait." says Bahamut in a serious voice. "I want you to be ready to detach the dimension." 

Her eyes shimmer as she looks up at him. "My Lord, are you sure?" 

He nods. "Yes. My wisdom knows there is a chance this world, perhaps this coil, will not survive the events of this day. That does not mean the glow of our race should suffer the same fate." 

"I understand Lord Bahamut." She rises with a frightened aura. Bahamut says a few things to her telepathically that makes her smile. "It was an honor to serve you mighty Bahamut. My soul wishes to continue serving if fate allows." 

Her wings beat and she lifts into the air. As she flies around, she lets out lout roar to summon the other atmospheric dragons. Seeing that Bahamut and Lunari are done, Morothoth takes to the air and lands near Bahamut. "It is time to go to the moon and take the fight to our foe." 

Mercenaries of the Gods: Chronicle Three - CataclysmWhere stories live. Discover now