The Library

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Everything seems to fall away from you in streaks of light as you are pulled out of the book. It feels like your form is putting itself back together as the large, leather bound book in front of you closes by itself. Looking around you notice this room is different. The ceiling is ornately gilded, the walls are lined with embellished shelves stuffed full of very fancy look books that are very well organized. The solid hardwood wood floor has numerous very expensive looking carpets on it. As you look at the well-crafted desk of cherry wood before you, someone says "Jolly good! Jolly good! You're done at last!" 

You look up to see an older looking man in a very nice smoking coat holding a mostly empty brandy snifter. He beams a big smile from beneath his handlebar mustache as the glow from the fireplace reflects off the bald part of his head. "Incredible, isn't it? How much you forgot. I know it was long ago, but how you forgot about the House on the Hill and all that transpired with the Seer is beyond me. Not to mention Gaia!" He lets out a deep chuckle. "But I suppose that is neither here nor there now is it. Ha! What matters is you remember now!" 

As you turn to say something, a tall man steps into the room. He is dressed as typical butler and is very well groomed. In a very polite voice, he says "You called me sir." 

"Ahh yes, my dear Gregory." The man finished his brandy in one quick gulp. "Would be so kind as to bring me another brandy. Oh! And bring our most prestigious guest something to drink as well." 

Gregory nods. "Of course, sir. Right away." 

As Gregory leaves the room, the unusual man looks back at you. "What was I talking about my old friend? Oh yes! You forgot about the house on the hill and the Mercenaries of the Gods, but now you are all caught up." He gives you big smile. "Now, I suppose it's time for you to remember what you forgot next. That is when the Seer showed you all about the The Book with the Bright Red Binding if you did not know. Ha!" 

He looks up like there is a strange noise. "Right then! Time is shorter than I thought." He sets down his snifter. "You stay right there, and I will fetch the next book for you!" Before you can say anything, the mysterious man hurries out of the room. 

Alone, you look down at the very fancy chair you're sitting and wonder if the embroidery is silk. As you look up at the crystal and wrought bronze chandelier, Gregory is suddenly standing next to you. "If I may say, I am pleased to see you here again after all this time. He is always in the best of moods when you are around." Gregory gives you a great smile as moves his serving tray into a good position. "Something for you to drink." Quickly, but carefully, he sets down the Everfull Bottle of Desire followed closely by the Cup that Never Spills...

Mercenaries of the Gods: Chronicle Three - CataclysmWhere stories live. Discover now