2 ‖ The Train

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Your POV


It was 2 days since Ladybug was over. He explained everything. You were now currently getting ready to meet Ladybug and go to the train your mission is on. 

You pull your h/c/l (hair color and length) into a tight bun and slick it back. You pull out some loose strands and make sure it looks good. You weren't going to wear makeup today because you didn't feel the need to. 

You grab a black turtleneck shirt and put it on. You grab some black pants and put them on as well. You then grab a navy blue and white plaid long jacket. It went down just below your knees. You then grab some black shoes and socks. You put those on and make sure you have everything. 

Your gun, some sleeping drugs, and knifes along with poison. You walk out of your house and lock it. Who knows how long this mission will take. 

You then start making your way down to the lockers at the train you and Ladybug are getting on. As you walk to it, you look around and analyze everything. You observe behaviors and the way the people talk. 

Before you know it, you are already at the lockers waiting for Ladybug. You turn your head as you hear someone approaching. You see Ladybug coming down, looking around as he talks on the phone. Probably to his handler, Jess. 

You straighten up and cross your arms. You hear Ladybug say "Goodbye" and hang up, putting his phone away. He walks to you and nods his head. 

"Y/n." He greets. 

"Jackass." You smirk, "You aren't supposed to say my real name stupid. You are supposed to call me by my code name." You add. 

Ladybug rolls his eyes, "Sorry Poison." 

You smile as you hear your codename, Poison. The name came from your first mission when you didn't have a codename. The rules were, after your first mission they will decide your codename based on your performance. You got Poison because you had poisoned almost everyone in the building. 

Now when people hear the name Poison, they get terrified. People knew who you were, they feared you and you didn't mind one bit. 

Ladybug got his codename because he kept screwing up the mission. He has such bad luck and the people thought it was funny, so they made his codename, Ladybug. 

"So, shall we get onto this stupid train?" You ask. 

"Yeah." He says. 

You nod and start walking with Ladybug to the train. You get there as the train arrives. The doors open and you both walk in. You walk to your seat and sit down, Ladybug sitting across from you. You both look around. 

"What's in this case anyway?" Ladybug asks. 

You roll your eyes, "What do you think is in the damn case?"  

"Money?" Ladybug suggests. 

"Look who is slowly becoming smart. Of course it is money. It's always money." 


"Because apparently money is everything to these people. Money this, money that. Come on Ladybug, you should know this stuff by now." You clap your hands in front of his face. 

He blinks at you and nods. He doesn't reply, you weren't expecting a reply from him. Ladybug just looks out the window while you look around, getting a visual of this train. 

"Where would this case even be anyway?" You ask. 

"In a storage cart. With someone." Ladybug shrugs, "I don't know. We were just told to make sure that the case is to The White Death." 

You hum, "Here's the plan, you and I are going to split up. You are going up and I'm going down. You look for that case. Don't come back to me IF you don't have the case. I'll see you later Lady. Make sure not to piss someone off to the point where they want to kill you. Alright? Bye." You say and stand up, walking down the train.

As you walk down the train you make sure to check all the storage and people on the train. You need to find that case so you can get off this train at the next stop. 

You put your hand where your gun is as you search for the case in a certain cart. You stop as you see a silver briefcase. you breathe heavily and stand up, running a hand down your face as you stare at it. You just hope that this is the case. 

You lean down and check the handle only to find a blue train sticker on the handle. You smile a bit and take the case out of the cart. You make sure to have a tight grip on it before you start to make your way to a new cart.

When you walk into this one you feel a strange and intense feeling in your gut. You don't know what it is, but you are sure it can't be good. You look around to make sure there isn't a threat. As you are looking around you spot someone wearing something. A shirt. Not just any shirt. His shirt. 


You smile at your boyfriend as you watch him sped across the store. You took Pietro out to get a new shirt he needs. His shirts are getting small for him, so he needs some new ones. 

Pietro smiles and stops in front of you holding up a shirt. The shirt is a grey with blue stitching on it. It has a little design on it. The top is grey while the bottom is a dark blueish grey. It has some white lines on it as well. 

"Iz one?" He asks. 

"Do you like it Pietro." 

He looks at the shirt then back at you, "I zo princesa." 

You reach out and feel the material, "Feels like good running material." You speak. 

"Iz's alzo boyfriend material." He smirks. 

You laugh at him and kisses his cheek, "Do you want it?" 

"Yez." He confirms. 


You glare slightly. You didn't expect to have a flashback of that memory. You shake your head and walk down the cart. You walk past three men and can't help but overhear their conversation. 

"The case Lemon. Go get me the fucking case." You hear a British man say. 

You shake your head again as you think how that voice sounds familiar. You breathe deeply and quickly make your way out of the cart back to yours. 

You walk into the cart and make your way to your spot. You sit down and ste the case on your lap. You get your phone out and text Ladybug. 


Poison: I got the case.

Poison: Get your ass back to our seats.


You put your phone away and set your hands on the little table, waiting for Ladybug to come back so you can get off this train. You can't wait to get off it. You are sure you are going to take a vacation after this. 

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