9 ‖ The Room

513 16 1

Your POV 


You take a deep breath as you turn the key to unlock your old room. When you hear it click you look down. Maybe you should just share with one of the others. You knew you couldn't face the room by yourself. Maybe you should find Wanda or someone and get them to come with you. 

"Hey." You jump as you hear a familiar British voice.  

"Fuck Tangerine. You scared me." You say and put your free hand over your heart. 

He laughs a bit and walks to you, standing at your side, "I'm sorry. I couldn't help but notice how hesitant you are with going in your room." 

"I'm not being hesitant." You mumble. 

"You are. You have been standing at your door for the past 2 minutes, breathing heavily and arguing with yourself." 

"Okay fine, maybe I am hesitant because this was my dead husband and I's room. It's hard." You reply. 

He pats your shoulder awkwardly, "I'm sorry. If I could, I would bring him back. I may have not known him, but I did know his sister.' 

You smile, "Can you maybe...come into the room with me?" You ask. 

You knew he might say no. If he said no, then you would just face the room alone. Tangerine warmed up a bit to you. Of course, you both didn't trust each other very much mainly because when you guys first met it wasn't very pretty. But you two have become okay with each other. 

"Sure." He replies.  

You smile and you go to open the door, but you can't bring yourself to. You look at Tangerine, hoping he would catch onto your look. He notices and walks to the door; he looks at you before fully pushing the door open. 

You sigh and slowly walk in after Tangerine, who walked in before you. Nothing had changed. 

The dark navy walks with silver lining, the bed that was huge that was still made with a navy and silver bed set. You and Pietro had decided that most of the room will be navy and silver other. The floor was navy blue with silver marble inside it. Of course, the bookshelf on one wall was still there filled with books that were your favorites. Your desk that was filled with notes. notebooks and your old computer. Your room was the most unique in all of the tower mainly because it wasn't like all the others. 

"Wow." You hear Tangerine say. You nod, agreeing with him. It was wow, your room was very wow. 

You walk to the closet and open it up. First thing you smell is dust. You twist your head away from it before smelling that it cleared. You move your head back and look at it. One side was yours and one was Pietro's. You reach at hand out and touch your old clothes. You hadn't grown much after you left or gained much weight. They might fit you; you would just have to see. 

You look through them, smiling and remembering memories. You look at Pietro's and grab a hoodie. You put it up to your nose and inhale, his scent filling your nostrils. You smile, as you bring it down, putting it away. 

You close it, but not before looking down and seeing your running shoes and Pietro's many many running shoes. Pietro always went through shoes like how he needs food and running. You needed one pair of running shoes, you weren't much of a runner but you would just so you could spend time with Pietro.

You closed it fully before turning around, finding Tangerine at the start of your bed, looking at the portrait of you and Pietro. It was the same one as the one in your home. 

"This was him?" He asks. 

You walk next to him, "Yes. That was Pietro." 

He nods and stares at it, "What was he like?' He suddenly asks. 

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