8 ‖ The Avengers

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Your POV


"Y/n." You hear someone whisper in your ear. 

You open your eyes to see people getting up and leaving the plane. You sit up and look at Tangerine. He's looking back at you, "We are in New York." He speaks.

You nod and stand up. Tangerine does as well and moves into the isle so you could get through. You walk to where Tangerine was and looked and seen Ladybug and Lemon in the isle as well, chatting away. You slightly smile because you knew that Ladybug had problems with Lemon since Lemon shot Ladybug twice. You were glad they were getting along. 

"Lady," You nod at him when he looks at you. You look at Lemon and nod as well, "Lime." 

Lemon rolls his eyes, smiling, "I'm Lemon, not Lime sweetheart." 

You laugh, "Come on, we have to go to the Avengers tower." You speak. 

You walk past Tangerine and get off the plane, the others following after you. You went through the airport and left out of it. You see knew the others were with you. You lifted your hand and waited for a lift much like just a few hours earlier. 

When a lift stopped in front you did the same actions you did when you got off the train. When everyone was in, you made sure to look around and saw no one watching you. You got in and shut the door. 

"Where to?" The man asks. 

"Avengers tower please." You respond. 

The man nods and takes off to the Avengers tower. You were nervous. You didn't know how they would react to you suddenly showing up and staying there. You knew they would protect you from whoever was after you. They would protect you from any danger. They were your family. 

-Time Skip to the Avengers- 

You wiped off your hands on your pants as you stared at the building. 

"Come on." You said to the others and went inside the building. 

You were inside and you see nothing had changed. You smiled as you went to the front desk. You see the girl look up at you from the desk and gasp. You gasp too as you slightly jog to the desk. 

"Hazel!" You say to her when you get to the desk. 

She smiles at you, "Y/n, omg what are you doing here?" She asks. 

"I'm staying with Stank and the others. Are they all here?"

"They are all here." 

"Even Wanda?" 

"Yup Wanda is here." 

You nod and start to walk away, the others following, you go into the elevator and press the button to the floor the Avengers are on. You hear it dig and when it opens all of the Avengers are in the living room. You smile and walk out. 

"Y/N!" You hear someone yell. 

Next thing you know you are being crushed into a hug. You laugh as you smell the familiar sent of Wanda. You hug her back as all the Avengers get up and go to you. They all greet you and hug you. 

"Where the hell have you been L/n?" Nat asks. 

"I've been around. Traveling and whatnot. Honestly, I missed New York and you guys." You speak. 

"Well, I for one did NOT miss you." You hear Tony Stark-sorry, Tony Stank say. 

You turn to Tony and smile, "I love you too Stank." 

Tony smile and walks to you, hugging you tightly, "How's my jackass daughter?" 

You hug Tony back and laugh, "I am good. How's my dumbass father?" 

"Dying." He speaks. 

You pull away and look at him with a serious face. Tony was always like a father to you. He always helped. When he referred to you as his daughter for the first time you almost cried. You didn't expect it. You always viewed Tony as a father figure. He was there all the time. Every time you got hurt, on a mission. Everything, he was there. You two bonded together. You have the strongest bond with him expect for Pietro and Wanda. Tony was your dad. When you told him how your parents experimented on you, he took you in and cared for you. You knew he always had your back. 

"Dying?" You ask slowly. 

He laughs, "No, I'm kidding. It feels that way lately. Anyway, who are your friends?" Tony asks and turns to stare at Tangerine, Lemon and Ladybug. 

"Oh, this is Tangerine, Lemon and Ladybug." You reply, pointing to each of them as you say their name. 

"Like fruits?" Thor asks. 

You nod, "Exactly like fruits." 

Tony eyes them for a second. No secret that Tony is very protective over you. Especially from boys. He was very suspicious of Pietro, but he warmed up. 

"What are you guys doing here?" Steve asks. 

"Well, man with the metal frisbee, I am here to visit. I missed all of you and decided that it was time." You reply. 

"Who cares why she's here?! She's here and is staying. We got A LOT to catch up on girl." Wanda says loudly. 

"Tea? Gossip?" You ask her. 

She nods, "Oh yea. SO MUCH of it." 

"It's not very nice to talk about people you know. It's mean." Steve says. 

"Oh, shush Steve, you wouldn't understand." Nat waves him off. 

"Yea well, we should probably get you all a room." Clint says. 

You nod and look at Tony, "Still have my room?" 

"It hasn't been touched or messed with since you left," He throws you some keys that you assume are to your room, "Locked it up so no one could go in." 

You catch the keys and hold them tightly in your hand, "The three rooms besides mine are all empty right?" 

"Yes N/n, they are." Tony rolls his eyes. 

You cheer and first bump the air, "Thanks dad! I love you; I'll see you later. Tang, Lime, Lady, LET"S GO!" You say and run to the elevator as you hear Tony say, "Love you too." 

You stand in the elevator while the others come in as well. You press the button to your floor and wait as the elevator takes you to it. You suddenly get a wave of nausea as you go to your room. 

You spent the time with your deceased husband in the room. You knew it smelled like him and you. His clothes in there. Pictures. Stuff of him. You feel all sweaty as you hear the 'ding' for the elevator. You wipe your sweaty hands off on your pants as you step out, gulping for a large breath as you face the room you left 2+ years.  

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