13 ‖ Fake Dating

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Your POV


You jump as your door slams open. You look up and see Wanda. It was the next day. You and Tangerine were as awkward as ever. You stare at Wanda as she walks to your desk and drags the chair over in front of you where you were sitting in front of your friends.

"What?" You ask.

"WHAT?! Don't play that shit with me Y/n. What's going on?" She explodes.

"What's going on?! With who or what?" You ask again.

"Tangerine and you. You both have been awkward and avoiding eye contact not to mention the fact that you both blush bright red when you guys are with each other. Soooo what's up?" She explains.

"We just...had a moment." You say and look down at your notebook.

She raises her brows, "A moment? What kind of moment?"

You groan, "Just a awkward moment. It was a cliche moment. The ones in movies."

"What was the moment?" She forwards.

You sigh, "His tie was not right so I fixed it and we kinda...stared at each other with my hands on his chest. It was nothing."


"But we were mistaken for being 'in love' and being a 'lovely couple' by a old lady. It was so embarrassing Wands." You roll your eyes.

She looks at you for a second and bursts out laughing. You huff and wait for her to be done. It wasn't funny, it was embarrassing. Once she stops laughing, she looks at you.

"Listen Y/n, I know you're hung up on Pietro, but maybe Tangerine is a new start of something. You can't deny he's not hot as fuck and he looks like Pietro. But it shouldn't matter if he looks like him or not. If you like him give it a shot." She says seriously.

You look at down. You did have some feelings emerge for Tangerine and not because he looks like your ex husband. He's kind..sometimes, sweet, caring, but down to earth and not afraid to tell you the truth.

"I..I like him Wanda. I like him because he's just so different from Pietro and...he's just so Tangerine." You explain.

"Maybe give it a chance. I'm not saying that you have to do anything right now but maybe as time moves on and nobody takes the first step maybe you should take it."

You scoff, "He would never return my feelings," You stand up and walk to your desk, picking up your notebook, "He would be flattered but he wouldn't return them at all. He would be like "Oh, I don't return them" and it would be awkward!" You exclaim.

Wanda stands up and walks next to you, "But you never know if he will. All I'm saying is maybe hint to him you have some kind of feelings for him. If he doesn't catch on...maybe try to distract yourself with someone else. Steve is hot." She smirks.

"Steve is like my uncle."


"He is a huge puppy and he doesn't understand Midgardian stuff."


You pause, "A villain."

She smirks, "You find him attractive?"

"They are kind of attractive but they would never. Especially since they have a massive crush on Mobius."

"Those two are visiting. What if you and Loki pretend to date to make Mobius and Tangerine confess their undeniable love for you both and jealous." Wanda smiles wide.

"That's not a horrible idea actually." You nod.

She squeals and claps her hands, "Yayy! All we need to do is get Loki on board with it. Once they are then we can start. Lucky for us they are arriving now!" She grabs your hand and drags you out of your room.

She drags you to the other Avengers, Ladybug, Lemon and Tangerine. You stand and wait for Loki and Mobius to visit. You both hear a elevator ding and Wanda jumps up from her spot she was sitting at and runs to it. You watch her as she waits for it to open. Once it does she grabs Loki and drags them over to you. She grabs your hands and drags you two to your room.

You both step into the room as she walks in and locks the door. Loki looks at you and Wanda.

"What's going on?" They ask.

"Welll, you two are gonna fake date to get Mobius and Tangerine to date you both for real!" Wanda squeals.

"Wait what?!" Loki asks.

"You, Loki and Y/n are gonna fake date. Since you have a crush on Mobius and Y/n has a crush on Tangerine you two are gonna pretend to be with each other to make them jealous so they will get with you both." She explains.

You look at Loki, "She just came up with this." They nod.

"I will. Honestly I've dropped so many hints to him but he doesn't understand. Let's do this." Loki says.

"I guess I will. So what we go out there and announce to everyone we are dating and that you were the only one to know?" You ask Wanda.

She nods. You weren't gonna lie. You and Loki were close to each other. Close friends. So this wasn't really awkward since you guys were like best friends.

Loki's hand intertwines with yours and they nods at you. You nod back. Once you both walk out of this room there is no going back.

Wanda open the door and walks out as you and Loki follow, hand in hand. You guys walk to where the other Avengers and Mobius are and stand in front of them.

Loki clears their throat, "We have a announcement."

You nod, "We are dating." You announce.

Everyone just starts at you then looks at each other. The corner of your eye you see Tangerine glaring at Loki. Mobius is just staring at the ground. You and Loki both smirk.

"Wow...I um...Loki break her heart and I'll kill you." Tony stutters.

Nobody did honestly expect this or see it coming. Loki nods and you both smile sweetly before turning around and walking down the hallway.

Tangerine and Mobius were definitely jealous. All you and Loki can hope is that this works and if it doesn't you're we're gonna kill Wanda.

Do I know you? • TANGERINE Where stories live. Discover now