better way to meet

920 26 10

i had spent the week making small edits to my car, anything to give me a little help in this race. i was determined to win and i had so much free time on my hands what better way to use it? now i carefully drove it with a new paint job- black and red- through wheat fields. a track had been created using a combine harvester and it looked difficult.  i gulped and tightened my grip.

my knuckles were quickly turning white. i clenched my teeth and pushed forward.  i wasn't going to back out now. i couldn't.

a rusty barn came into view- multiple cars were running outside, left unattended. i parked right next to the gladers and got out slowly. talking was coming from inside. i opened the door in an effort to be quiet but it creaked loudly making all heads turn to me. this wasn't awkward at all.

"who the shuck is this?"
a guy with a buzz cut asked. staring intimidatingly at me. i tensed up. a large group of people were spread around a table with what looked like a map in the middle.  they could eat me if they wanted and i'd have no way to stop them.


did i really want to say 'stiles' it wasn't exactly a common name and i did not trust any of them for obvious reasons

my middle name. perfect.

"yeah no you need a new name- too bland"
the girl who had given me the adress said. waving me away. i noticed she was still chewing and for a brief second wondered if it was the same piece.

"uh- mischief?"

the glader driver rose an eyebrow, what? it's an old nickname.

"yeah i guess that works- here you have gladiator"

a terrifyingly tall man waved at me with a sweet smile.

a ratty looking guy snarled my way and spat near my feet. he seems delightful


a girl with completely jet white hair shot me a smirk.

the glader driver eyed me up and down. i felt like shivering- when i was a fan he seemed much more nice and relaxed. this guy had murder in his eyes.

"and stabby"

a sweet looking girl waved wildly at me, knives were attached to her waist. that's not scary at all...

"you're new so i thought i'd show you what the elites do before a race. don't get used to being here though- the rest of the driver will show up in a little bit"

ouch. i'll stay in this group as long as i like. i moved forward, pushing lightly past stabby and pipsqueak and stared at the map. it was the corn fields. it looked like a pretty windy course. there were ditches on certain spots and barns at others. the start was trapped by ditches so i needed to be wary.

i carefully formulated a plan in my head- a way to solidify a win. a broad smile stretched across my face as i got the missing piece. runner shot me a look. i made sure not to meet his eye, if i'm honest he terrified me.

"your crew will have places to set up here for help if anything goes wrong which i hope it does"

oh. well okay. i don't have a crew. luckily nothing will go wrong- touch wood. but suddenly i was feeling much less prepared for this. runner glared at me and stalked out- the rest soon followed.


the crowd cheered as each racer drove up. less cheering when i did- to be fair i was completely new. probably expected to be used as fodder. unluckily for them that was the last thing on my mind. 

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