Chapter 3

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ps. that is what Tony's costume looks like but that is not Tony. Also Tony wears a mask like the one red mist used to wear.

Next Morning

I spent all morning trying to put together a good costume. I knew my color would definitely be black. I wanted something tough. My main weapon would be my fists. I was really bad ass at fighting. I decided to wear a leather costume I made myself. I decided to wear a cape with it because capes are so damn sexy. Red Mist's was. What the fuck was I thinking. I couldn't be falling in love with Chris. He was a stupid bitch who has no idea what he is doing. I brushed the thought aside and looked in the mirror. I looked good and lethal. Ready to kick ass!

I heard a knock at the door and ran to open it. It was Chris. "Hey Tony love the costume. You look good." I nodded. "Uhhhh thanks. What do you want?" He smiled. "Javier and I are going to meet with my uncle Ralph in prison and I wanted you to come with us." I nodded. "Sure. why the hell not." He smiled and led me outside where Javier had the car parked. We drove off.

When we got there there were a bunch of guys outside waiting for us. They look at Javier. "Just Chris." Chris shook his head. "No, can my girlfriend come?" I can't believe he called me his girlfriend. I felt anger mixed with happiness? Okay I admit it I feel something for Chris. I just don't know what. They guards nodded and let us in. We walked down long halls and finally got to where Ralph was. We sat down across from him. He smiled at Chris. "Hey how are you doing buddy?" He smiled. "Good uncle." Ralph looked at me. "Who is this? She your whore?" I glared at him. "Watch it bitch! I'm his sidekick!" Ralph just giggled. "Sidekick huh? Aren't you Aaron's daughter?" I nodded. "Yes. He died." Ralph nodded. "Yea I heard little bitch Kick ass and that cunt Hit girl got to him." I nodded. He looked back at Chris. "Look boy I heard what you have been up too. Having a little fun, that's okay but you can't go hiring a band of heavy hitters and then get little Tony to help you." I glared at him. "Look Ralph I'm not little!" He smiled. "Your dad referred to you as his little girl. I remember it well." I shook my head. "Only to him." Ralph nodded. "Okay then what should I call you Tony?" I smiled. "Scar." He nodded. "Alright, Scar and Chris." Chris glared at him. "I'm the Mother Fucker now!" Ralph laughed. "Scar and the Mother Fucker, huh? You think your the big bad guys now. Let me show you what real evil looks like." One of Ralph's guards handed Chris his cell phone. Chris answered it. "Hello?" I couldn't hear the rest of the conversation but when Chris hung up he had a look of pure horror on his face. "You killed Javier! He is dead!" Ralph nodded. "Look get out of town or go to college do something with your life Chris but let this villain shit go." Chris looked at him as he headed out the door. "No because now more than ever I know my purpose. Come on Scare lets go." I followed him. When we were outside we saw some guards pulling Javier's body out of the car. They smiled at us. I decided to drive. I can't believe they actually killed him. Those bitches. Chris tried not to sit on any blood. "Tony lets go to my place we need to call our team together. Lets go get the Colonel." I nodded and drove away.

One hour later

We all walked over to Justice Forever's secret hideout. We new the Colonel was there and if we were lucky maybe even Kick Ass. I couldn't believe Chris actually found the secret hideout. I heard a dog barking. We waited a while to go inside. Mother Russia looked at Chris. "Shall I go in first?" Chris nodded. She walked in and we all followed her. The colonel was surprised by our presence. Mother Russia looked at him. "Tonight you die." The Colonel pulled out a gun. "Ladies first." She laughed at him. "You won't kill me. Your a superhero you help people you don't hurt them." We all walked in so he could see us. Chris smiled. "We are the Toxic Mega-Cunts!" Mother Russia pulled out a machete and stabbed the Colonel with it. we all laughed. Chris kneeled down next to him. "So your name is Sal Bertolinni. Did a few jobs for my dad back in the day before you got born again!" Sal glared at him. "I used to hang out with alot of losers!" Chris grabbed him by the collar of his shirt. "I am the Mother Fucker! Come on finish him off let's trash this place."

Mother Russia smiled. "I'm going to cut your head off now!" I looked at Chris. "Do you want me to kill the dog?" He looked at me with astonishment. "No Jesus, Scar I'm not that evil!" I tried not to giggle. Chris walked away as Mother Russia finished off the Colonel, saying his final words. "Justice Forever!" Chris laughed evily. I looked at him. He was a really hot bitch. I decided to make a move. I kissed him. He kissed me back passionately and hard. I heard the Tumor clear his throat to get our attention. I broke our kiss and glared at him. "Shut up your just fucking jealous Tumor!" He shook his head. "Hell no!" Chris looked back at me. "What was that? Last time I tried to kiss you you kicked my balls." I smiled. "Well your actually kind of sexy bitch." He smiled. "Lets take a look around this guy's secret hideout. Then afterwards we can have fun." I glared at him. "A kiss wasn't a fucking invitation to get in my pants!" He nodded. "Alright you want to take it slow I get it." I walked to a table where there were a bunch of papers lying around. I picked up a form of some kind. I showed it to Chris. "Look." He took it and smiled. "Miranda Swendlow. Wonder who that is." I looked around and saw a picture with Kick ass and his team on it. "Look her name is Night Bitch and she seems to be Kick ass's whore." He smiled. "I got her address. Lets go pay her a visit team!" Everybody walked out of the secret headquarters leaving Colonel dead. I planned to kill Night Bitch with my own hands! I looked at Chris and winked at him. He winked back. I couldn't believe I was actually falling in love with him.

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