Chapter 5

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We woke up and got dressed in our costumes. Chris called the team. We would meet at the evil lair. Chris watched me as I got dressed. "You are hot, you know that right, Tony?" I glared at him. "Bitch my name is Scar!" He laughed. "I still think that is funny, Scar? Were you thinking about Tony Montana?" I punched him in the face. "Stop making fun of me and I said no not like that cocksuker!" He grabbed his cheek where I hit him and for the first fucking time I felt like I really fucked up. "Sorry Chris." He smiled at me. "Wow you really do love me. you said sorry." I glared at him. "Don't push it or I will cut off your dick." He laughed. "You wouldn't." I hugged him. "Your the first guy who I have ever loved." He leaned into me and kissed me hard. "Love you too babe." I smiled. "Come on. Lets get the crew together." We drove to our hideout. Everyone was already there. Genghis Carnage walked up to us. "Tumor and I are ready to go. we got the guns and are ready to take everyone out at the funeral." Chris nodded. "Excellent. Well what are you waiting for? Go!" They did as he said. I looked at him."Now what bitch?" He smiled. "Now we wait."

2 hours later

Chris walked around impatiently. "They should be back by now!" I looked at him. "They've only been gone for 2 hours." He nodded. "Your right, I'm overreacting." I walked up to Black Death and Mother Russia. They were watching the shark. Black Death looked at me. "The shark looks dead." Mother Russia looked at me. "It is just hungry. We must feed it." I glared at her. "Why are you looking at me cunt." She took a step back. "Relax Scar." I looked at the door to our hideout. All the evil wanna be villains Chris hired were starting to arrive. Most of them had pretty lame outfits but there were some that really looked like they were into it. Chris got a microphone. "Lets get this shit started! Have I got a show for you bitches!" Every one cheered. "Mother Fucker Mother Fucker!" Chris smiled and motioned for me to get on stage with him. He gave me the microphone and told me to give a speech. "All right fuckers! We are going to kill Kickass! The first super hero ever together! Then we are going to feed that shit to the shark and post it all over you tube for real!" Chris smiled. "We are going to get our riot on! That's what it means to be evil! We are the true one percent and tonight we are going to fuck this world up or my name isn't-" He was interrupted by a familiar voice. "Chris D' Amico!" I couldn't believe it! It was Kick Ass which meant Genghis and Tumor were dead. I felt rage swell up in my chest as I turned to look at him and Hit Girl face to face. Kick Ass smiled at us. "What's wrong Chris? You shit in your shorts?" Chris nodded. "Yea and I 'm gonna wipe my ass in your face." We both walked up to him. He looked at us. "Your going to pay for what you did to my dad." Chris glared at him. "Your dad? You killed my dad with a basooka!" I looked at him. "You killed mine too bastard!" I punched him and the fight started. Hit Girl took on Mother Russia, Chris took on Kick Ass so I looked around trying to find an opponent. I found the perfect one, Night Bitch. I ran up to her and kicked her hard in the face, knocking her down to the ground. She quickly got up and kicked my side so hard it knocked the wind out of me. I gasped. "Bitch!" She laughed. "That's my name don't wear it out!" I got up and pulled her hair. I punched her so hard she was bleeding. She groaned in pain as I kicked her to the ground. She looked dead when I got done with her.

I walked away trying to find Chris. I noticed Ass kicker fighting off one of our guys. What the fuck was he thinking. I ran up to him and jumped on his back. Punching his ribs as he fell to the ground. I hurt him pretty bad but right now I had to fin Chris, my love. I couldn't find him anywhere. I watched as many of our guys were getting beat. I had to find Chris. Then it hit me. They were upstairs on the roof. I ran upstairs and saw Kick Ass and Chris fighting lethally. Chris was then hanging through a hole in the glass roof. They were talking but I couldn't hear what they said. Then he fell. I ran up to Kick Ass. "No Chris!!!." I watched him fall into the shark tank. I punched Kick Ass in the face and kicked him to the ground. "Bitch Fucking cock!! You killed him." He got back up on his feet and pushed me to the ground. He walked away. I saw a knife on the ground and grabbed it. I charged toward him but then Hit Girl caught up to me and shot me with her gun on the chest. I fell to the ground instantly and the last thing I remember was her saying. "Die Scarface!" I looked at her and with my last breath I manged to mumble. "Its Scar cunt......" I closed my eyes into complete peacefulness. The last thing I remember was Chris's face.

Ps comment if you got the Scarface Tony joke

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