Chapter 4

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ps that is a picture of what Tony looks like

By the time we got to Night Bitch's neighborhood it was morning. Probably because we walked there. Chris looked at me. "Scar you come with me. The rest of you stand guard and kill anyone who gets in the way. I followed Chris.....I mean the Mother Fucker to Night Bitch's house. The door was locked so I kicked it open. Chris smiled at Night Bitch. "Hello Night Bitch." We walked in. She ran upstairs. I smiled. "Looks like she wants to take the party upstairs!" We both giggled as we followed the slut into her room. She thought she could hide. I grabbed her. "Stop moving fucker!" She tried kicking me. I was stronger than her. Chris smiled. "We're not gonna hurt you. We just want you to give a message to your boyfriend!" She punched him. I tightened my grip on her. "Leave him alone bastard." Chris laughed. "Your done banging superheroes, baby. Its time to see what evil dick feels like!" Chris unzipped his pants to reveal his erection. I couldn't believe he was actually going to rape her in front of me. I was about to yell at him for being a bitch when I noticed he lost his erection. I almost laughed as I watched him turn around and try to get it back. Night Bitch laughed. "Looks like evil dick feels limp!" Chris turned to see me. "Scar hurt her bad!" I pushed her to the ground and kicked her in the face. I kicked her side until I'm pretty sure I heard a couple ribs crack. This was for my dad! We left her moaning in pain on the floor. We walked outside. "Come on guys lets bounce!" I noticed there were a bunch of dead cops on the road. Mother Russia and the rest did a pretty bad ass job. I looked at Chris. "Where are we headed?" He smiled. "To our villain hideout. I'm having it be built as we speak. Its almost ready."

We got to the hideout. Turns out it was a big abandoned warehouse. Chris smiled. "Belonged to my dad. Now its the Toxic Mega Cunt's hideout!" We walked in. He had everything pretty much setup and he even had stripers. I was starting to like Chris more and more each fucking second. He looked at me. "Sorry Tony I forgot you were joining us so I didn't hire any male strippers." I looked at him biting my lip seductively. "Its alright. I don't mind chicks." He smiled. "Please tell me your not lesbian. It would hurt me." I shook my head. "No, I like guys." He smiled. We all sat down next to a table and a maid brought us Frappuccino's. I looked around and noticed a fucking shark in a tank. Damn Chris really thought of everything.

We all sat down. Chris looked at us. "They are arresting people for being superheroes. They arrested an old man for being Kick Ass but I've seen Kickass he is like my age he can't be him." A guy dressed up in a wimpy costume walked up to us. He looked like Kick Ass. I looked at him. "Who the fuck are you." He smiled. "I volunteered for an evil army." I glared at him. "Okay thanks for joining the cause but why the hell are you here?" Chris nodded. "Yea this is the V.I.P area for the core group." He smiled. "I just think its funny because that man who got arrested is kickass's dad." Chris laughed. "No way! Thank you for your help you have now gained access to our V.I.P area. Come one sit. What's your name?" He sat down next to Mother Russia. "Ass Kicker." I looked at him. Sounded and looked to much like Kickass. I decided not to trust him. Chris put his arm around my waist. "I'm going to make a phone call." He called some guys at the fucking prison where Kickass's dad was. He told them to kill him. This was awesome. Kickass's dad would die to. He would finally know what it felt like to lose a father. We sat and watched stripers the whole afternoon.

The guys called us back. He was dead and Kickass's knew. His funeral would be tomorrow. Chris told Tumor and Genghis Carnage to go to the funeral and kill everyone there. Revenge was finally coming. Kickass would be dead by tomorrow.

Chris offered to drive me home which I accepted. He rode in his Mist Mobile.

"Okay Tony your home." I looked at him. "Want to come inside?" He smiled. "Is this an invitation to fuck?" I nodded. "Yes bitch." He got out of the car and carried me inside my house. He pushed me onto the bed and started kissing my neck. It felt so fucking good. "Hope you don't lose your erection this time." He laughed. "No not with you Tony never. I love you my evil Scar."

We fucked until the sun came up and it never felt that good before in my life.

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