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Ps this song is perfect for the ending

Chris P.O.V

I woke up. Everything fucking hurt like crazy. I looked around. I was in a hospital bed. Where was Tony? I tried getting up. where was my love. "Tony!!.. Scar!!..." A police officer walked into the room. "Quite down Chris." I glared at him. "No, not until you tell me what happened to Tony!" He nodded. "You mean the girl we found dead on the roof? Tony Morgan? She was shot and died instantly." I couldn't believe those words. It wasn't true! Not my Tony. My Scar. I looked at him. "That's a f-f-f-fucking lie!" He shook his head. "No it's not." Tears started streaming down my cheeks. I wanted to die to. I was a legend. Legends had to die. I looked at the cop. "Kill me please!" He shook his head. "No I can't sorry." I looked at him. "You can have all my money. I'm rich. It's all yours." He smiled. "Are you serious?" I nodded. anything to be back with Tony. He smiled and walked up to me. All I remember was pushed some buttons and my vision got cloudy. I smiled as it got dark and pitch black. This was my Legacy. The Mother Fucker and Scar would be legends!


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