Chapter IV: New Mentor

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"We know you will, my darling, off you go now, you're Master is waiting for you outside," Master Tiffany said and I bowed before leaving the chamber.

Following her instructions, I left the chamber and went through the egress to the corridor.

Scanning the area, I thought my new Master would be waiting for me but there was no one in sight.

I don't have a clue or idea if this was some kind of test or not to be part of their Jedi clan. Walking around the manor, it was almost like a maze.

There were many rooms that houses training equipment, a workbench to work on your lightsaber, and even a dojo.

I could use the workbench and the tools to fix my Master's lightsaber, but sadly don't have the parts or the kyber crystal.

Oh well, perhaps another time... Checking out the dojo there were Masters training their apprentice's basic lightsaber forms.

Observing their training, reminded me of a much more simple time...

Before the Clone War, the Jedi Order were keepers of the peace but unfortunately, over time, we've lost our way.

What's also tragic is that we've lost a well-known and wise Jedi Master Qui Gon Jinn, he was the one that trained Master SinB. At least for a short period of time.

Everything had changed when the Clone War had begun, I was only a young child at the time, and of course, I've had my fair share of battles.

However... Four years later, the Clones suddenly turned against us and gunned us down one by one.

Anyway, that's all in the past now and there's nothing I can do now to change it or to save Master SinB from dying.

"I see you're ready for instruction," I hear a female voice say.

Immediately, I turned around and see a woman wearing a black coat, a long skirt, and low high heel shoes, and half of her face was covered by the vintage folding fan

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Immediately, I turned around and see a woman wearing a black coat, a long skirt, and low high heel shoes, and half of her face was covered by the vintage folding fan.

"S-Sorry, but are you my new Master?" I asked and she giggled.

Folding up the fan, her smile quickly faded away, and gave me an expressionless look that showed no emotion whatsoever.

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