Chapter 23 - His and Hers

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Written by me, the smartass. 

Sorry for any grammatical or spelling errors... 

Oliver's POV 

Sitting in the campus coffee shop, reding the last few pages of, 'The American Roommate Experience', I begin to see why she enjoys these books so much.

It's the escape it gives you, and the way the words all combine together to not just make a sentence, but to make an unforgettable memory. They make up more than a story, they make an escape. But more importantly; a distraction.

And I really needed one right now.

I'm supposed to be meeting up with George and Ava in 10 minutes, and I would like to keep my head in the book until then, hopefully I can finish it before they get here.

The main love interest, just arrived at his girlfriend's apartment, surprising her by coming over sooner than expected, and that's where it ends. With a hug.

I close the book just in time to see the people who asked me here arrived here.

"Hey." George says as he slides down in the booth across from me.

"Hey." I replies shyly as Ava slides in next to him.

"So, what did you guy want to talk about?" I ask them both, awkwardly.

"I wanted to talk to you about... something, and Ava is her in support of me telling you."

"Ok...... "

"Well, you know about the whole Trevor situation. Ava think im in love with him, but it's total bullshit."

"Ok, where are you going with this?"

"Well, Trevor and I have an.... Interesting little relationship, I wont deny that. And yes, I did have feelings for him in the past, but that was in the past, right? They can't just come back now as something has happened between us." George says, but he speaks out into a very hushed tone, hoping Trev isn't working today.

"So... What have I been called here for?" I ask them.

"I need you to make a meeting between Trevor and I, but he'll need you there and ill need Ava there, just so I can... talk to him."

"is that all...?"

"I think so."

"Well, while you are both here, I would like your opinion on something.."

"Does it have something to do with a certain someone?"

"I don't know. Can I ask you guys a question or not?"

"Sure, buddy, go ahead."


And I tell them. All of my plan to do what I want to do, as they both nod and smile along to my plan of action.

"OmG! Oliver, you have to do that." Ava practically screamed. Is she always this loud?

"I know. I know."


I stand in my bathroom, leaning my hands on my sink, and leaning all of my force into my hands.

I was here before, a few weeks ago.

I use my hands to splash water onto my face and through my hair again and again and again, until my hair is drenched, and the water trickles down my neck and slowly falling down my shirtless back.

I stare up at my eyes, one blue, one green.

It's like symmetry, but I feel like im on the other side of the mirrow looking in, and my body isn't mine anymore.

It feels like it never has been.

I feel a set of arms slowly circle my waist, above the waistband of my ripped black jeans.

The arms and hands belong to her. I would know them anywhere.

"Hey." I manage to say, but it comes out all groggy.

I feel her sigh against my back, and it soothes me the slightest bit.

I slowly moves around in her arms, and lean against the sink, and stare down at her, staring at the blue bird around her neck.

I felt like this entire moment was ours.

I pulled her closer towards me, sandwiching her between my thighs, and lean my head against her own.

"My little blue bird." I whisper out to her.

"My smartass." She whispers back, with a smile breaking out on her face, making a small one to break out on my own.

I open my eyes, to see she is already looking at my own, as I try to swallow the lump in my throat.

"Tell me, how did I ever get so lucky to have you?" I whisper out to her.

"Right place, right time."

I chuckle lightly, unable to come up with an answer.

I close my eyes again, and slowly lean over my head, first its our noses that touch one anothers, then slowly, painfully slowly, our lips meet. They both capture the other in a swift movement, I cant even remember if she initiated it, or if I did.

Slowly I pull myself away from her, "You know, your kisses are like my therapy. Your touch is all my skin wants to have against it." I speak softly out to her.

"Why are you so poetic all of a sudden, Ollie?"

"Because I'm with you, Penelope Bloom."

She searches my eyes, looking for truth, and when she finds it, she softly smiles, all before wrapping her arms around my neck and pulling my lips down to hers.

I grab a hold of her waist, and lift her up, so she can wrap her legs around my waist.

She deepens it more, and grabs onto the ends of my wet hair, and pulls it lightly.

My lips manage to escape hers slightly, and kiss their way down her neck, and down her collar bone, until they find their way to the necklace. My eyes look up, and find contact with hers, and I kiss the necklace softly, keeping my eye contact.

"You wanna know something, blue bird?" I question out, before hearing a hum escape her lips, "I really really like kissing you."

"I figure." She said softly, before I reconnected our lips again, needing to feel them against mine again.

I move us out of the bathroom cautiously, and into the next room over, my room.

I slowly lower her onto the bed, and as soon as I do, I hear music blasting through the walls from next door in George's apartment. Its 'So it goes...' by Taylor Swift.

I chuckle light against her lips.

Now, im not going to tell you the adventure of the next hour, but there was a lot of giggling, a lot of moving around, and a lot of skin on skin contact.

Now whenever I hear 'So it Goes...', ill think of us.


Authors note. 

🎶come here, dressed in black now, so, so, so it goes... 

scratches, down your back now, so, so, so it goes... 🎶

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